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London : HarperCollins children's books, 2015
Abstract: "That''s just silly!" said his sister. "Bears don''t read!"George isn''t happy doing the usual bear things like chatting and fishing. But what else is there? Then one day, he finds a book beneath a tree and knows… More than anything he wants to learn to read!But, arriving in town, George soon discovers that it''s not easy to be a bear at school! If only he could find someone to teach him the alphabet and change his life forever… Perhaps a little girl called Clementine can help?A feel-g ...; [Read more...]
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, 2017
Abstract: Orso Giorgio è stufo delle solite cose da orsi, ma cos’altro può fare? Per fortuna c’è Clementina, una bambina che con il suo amore per i libri gli cambierà la vita. Una storia sull’amicizia e sulla gioia della lettura. Eta' di lettura: 4-6 anni