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Dubai : Medina Publishing, 2019
Abstract: Lizard and Toad are friends. They live in a wadi in the mountains of Arabia. Toad’s curiosity often leads him into trouble, but clever Lizard always has a bright idea to help his friend out of a sticky situation. Follow Lizard and Toad in four exciting adventures - There's No Place Like Home, Toad's Painting, Toad Takes a Ride and The Discovery. Reading age:5-7 years old
Dubai : Medina Publishing, 2020
Abstract: Lizard and Toad are friends. They live in a wadi in the mountains of Arabia. Toad’s curiosity often leads him into trouble, but clever Lizard always has a bright idea to help his friend out of a sticky situation. Follow Lizard and Toad in four more exciting adventures: The Windy Day, Toad Makes a Splash,Whose Egg? and The Party. Includes a colouring page and an introduction to the creatures who live in a UAE Wadi. Reading age:5-7 years old