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Rubí, Barcelona : Picarona, 2017
Abstract: El libro celebra el potencial y la singularidad de cada niño y los anima a abrazar su individualidad."Las maravillosas cosas que serás" es un libro conmovedor y inspirador que asegura a los niños que son amados y valorados por lo que son, y los anima a soñar en grande y ser fieles a sí mismos. Edades: 2-5 anos.
New York : Penguin Random House, 2017
Abstract: The tale follows two young girls, Snow and Rose, who have moved to a small cottage in the forest with their mother after their father mysteriously disappears. The woods, however, are enchanted and although Snow and Rose don't know it, it's up to them to break the spell that haunts them all. Ages: 7-11 years old.
Rubí, Barcelona : Picarona, 2017
Abstract: ¿Cómo encontrar viajeros de la imaginación? No tienes que buscar puertas secretas ni palabras mágicas debes pronunciar, pues tu imaginación solita te llevará a cualquier sitio que quieras visitar…Edad de lectura:De 4 a 6 años
[Milano] : Ape junior, 2016
Abstract: Un libro che celebra i sogni, l'ottimismo e l'amore dei genitori verso i propri figli. Una perfetta storia della buonanotte. Età di lettura: da 2 anni.
New York : Random House, 2015
Abstract: The book celebrates the potential and uniqueness of every child and encourages them to embrace their individuality. "The Wonderful Things You Will Be" is a heartwarming and uplifting book that reassures children that they are loved and valued for who they are, and encourages them to dream big and be true to themselves. Ages: 2-5 years