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Milano : Il castoro, 2015
Abstract: Qui si racconta la storia di quello che succede nelle case di dieci dinosauri. Strillano anche loro come te quando fanno i capricci? Lanciano tutti i giocattoli per aria? Certo che no! Magari contano fino a dieci, fanno un bel respiro, poi rimettono tutto in ordine. Dicono: «Mi dispiace» e danno un grande abbraccio.Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
London : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2010
Abstract: Illustrations and rhyming text present some of the different ways dinosaurs can express their love, from cleaning up after making a mess to smiling sweetly instead of roaring. Reading age: 3-5 years old.
London : Harpercollins Children's Books, 2007
Abstract: Everyone's favorite dinosaurs are back--and this time they are going to school. More fun dinosaur antics await. These prehistoric pupils are in a class of their own!
As in their previous books, Yolen and Teague capture children's rambunctious natures with playful read-aloud verse and wonderfully amusing pictures. Reading age: 3-5 years old
London : Harper Collins Children's Books, 2007
Abstract: This playful peek into the homes of curious dinosaur children is the perfect way to encourage your own little dinosaur to count to ten and name different colours.
How do dinosaurs count to ten?
Over and over and over again!
Do dinosaurs know red, green and blue?
Read this book and you will, too!
Reading age: 2-4 years old
New York : Harper Collins Children's Book, 2003
Abstract: What is a dinosaur catches the flu? does he whimper and whine in between each atchoo? Does he drop dirty tissues all over the floor? Does he fling all his medicine out of the door? What do you think? Age 2-5 years old
London : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2000
Abstract: ‘How does a dinosaur say good night
when Papa comes in to turn off the light?
Does a dinosaur slam his tail and pout?
Does he throw his teddy bear all about?’
Most certainly not! Dinosaurs give their mums and dads big hugs and kisses, tuck their tails in and whisper, 'Good night!' Reading age: 2-4 years old.