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Milano : Il Castoro, stampa 2020
Abstract: Greg non ha peli sulla lingua quando si tratta di scuola: per lui è come un film dell'orrore! Bulli che bulleggiano, professori che professoreggiano, compiti che angosciano, insidie a ogni passo e le vacanze che non durano mia abbastanza! C'è da diventare matti! Età di lettura: dai 9 anni
Milano : Il Castoro, 2020
Abstract: Aaah, finalmente un pò di relax lontani dai professori e genitori! Finalmente un pò di tempo per dedicarsi alle proprie attività preferite! Ma mentre Greg preferirebbe passare i suoi giorni con gli amati videogiochi, suo padre lo vorrebbe un pò più sportivo, sua madre più artistico, per lui, solo altre occasioni per dimostrarsi una vera schiappa! Eta' di lettura: dai 9 anni
London : Puffin, 2020
Abstract: Greg Heffley and his family hit the road for a cross-country camping trip. But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves stranded at an RV park. When the skies open up and water starts to rise, the Heffleys wonder if they can save their vacation—or if they're already in too deep. Ages: 7-12 years old
London : Puffin Books, 2019
Abstract: Big changes are in store for Greg Heffley and his family. They are making home improvements! But with unwelcome critters, toxic mould and the walls coming down, soon Greg discovers renovations aren't all they're cracked up to be. When the dust finally settles, with the Heffleys be able to stay... or will they need to get out of town? Ages: 7-12 years old.
New York : Amulet books, ©2019
Abstract: Hi my name is Rowley Jefferson and this is my book. Now I have a diary just like my friend Greg...
Rowley's best friend Greg Heffley has chronicled his middle-school years in thirteen Diary of a Wimpy Kid journals. Now it's Rowley's turn to give his side of the story.
But Rowley has agreed to tell Greg's story along the way, too. (After all, Greg says one day he will be rich and famous and the world will need to know how he managed it).
But Rowley's stories about Greg might no ...; [Read more...]
Barcelona : RBA, 2018
Abstract: Ser casi adolescente puede ser un fastidio. Nadie lo sabe mejor que Greg Heffley, inmerso en el duro ambiente del instituto, donde los chicos bajitos que aún no han pegado el estirón tienen que compartir los pasillos con grandullones que ya se afeitan dos veces al día. Edad de lectura: a partir de 9 años
New York : Amulet Books, 2018
Abstract: When snow shuts down Greg Heffley's middle school, his neighborhood transforms into a wintry battlefield. Rival groups fight over territory, build massive snow forts, and stage epic snowball fights. And in the crosshairs are Greg and his trusty best friend, Rowley Jefferson. It's a fight for survival as Greg and Rowley navigate alliances, betrayals, and warring gangs in a neighborhood meltdown. When the snow clears, will Greg and Rowley emerge as heroes? Or will they even survive to se ...; [Read more...]
Great Britain : Puffin Books, 2017
Abstract: Greg Heffley and his family are getting out of town. With the cold weather and the stress of the approaching holiday season, the Heffleys decide to escape to a tropical island resort for some much needed rest and relaxation. A few days in paradise should do wonders for Greg and his frazzled family. But the Heffleys soon discover that paradise isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Sun poisoning, stomach troubles and venomous critters all threaten to ruin the family's holiday. Can thei ...; [Read more...]
New York : Amulet Books, 2016
Abstract: The pressure's really piling up on Greg Heffley. His mom thinks video games are turning his brain to mush, so she wants her son to put down the controller and explore his “creative side.” As if that's not scary enough, Halloween's just around the corner and the frights are coming at Greg from every angle. When he discovers a bag of gummy worms, it sparks an idea. Can Greg get his mom off his back by making a movie... and will he become rich and famous in the process? or will doubling d ...; [Read more...]
Ney York : Amulet Books, 2016
Abstract: Life was better in the old days? Or was it? That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world. With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Or is going 'old school' just too hard for a kid like Greg? Ages: 7-12 years old.