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[London] : Walker Books, 2006
Abstract: A father and his four children--a toddler, a preschool boy, and two older girls and the dog go on the traditional bear hunt based on the old camp chant: ``We're going to catch a big one. / What a beautiful day! / We're not scared. / Oh-oh! Grass! / Long, wavy grass. / We can't go over it. / We can't go under it. / Oh, no! / We've got to go through it!''
The family skids down a grassy slope, swishes across a river, sludges through mud, and finally sees the bear, who chases them all ba ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Mondadori, 2015
Abstract: Una famiglia parte alla ricerca dell'orso ma, dopo aver attraversato un campo di erba frusciante (svish svush!), un fiume freddo e fondo (splash splosh!), una pozza di fango limaccioso (squelch squalch!), un bosco buio e fitto (scric scroc!) e una tempesta di neve che fischia (fìuuuu huuuuuu!), alla fine... sarà l'orso a trovare loro. Considerato un classico, "A caccia dell'Orso" è un piccolo capolavoro della letteratura per l'infanzia, dove immagini, testo e lettura ad alta voce danno ...; [Read more...]
Paris : Kaléidoscope, 1997
Abstract: Il suffit parfois d'un rien pour que l'on se réveille avec l'irrésistible envie d'aller chasser l'ours en famille - un ciel radieux, des enfants audacieux… Seulement voilà : qui chasse l'ours finit par le trouver et c'est là que les choses se gâtent ! Âge de lecture : à partir de 3 ans.
Düsseldorf : Sauerländer, 2003
Abstract: Eine Familie macht sich auf die Suche nach dem Bären, doch nachdem sie ein Feld mit raschelndem Gras (Wishel, waschel!), einen kalten, flachen Fluss (Plitsch,Platsch, Platsch!), eine Pfütze aus schleimigem Schlamm (Quietsch, quaatsch!), ein dunkles und dichtes Gelände überquert hat (Holper, stolper!) und ein pfeifender Schneesturm (wow huuuuuu!), am Ende... wird der Bär sie finden. „Die Bärenjagd“ gilt als Klassiker und ist ein kleines Meisterwerk der Kinderliteratur, in dem Bilder, Te ...; [Read more...]
London : Puffin, 2017
Abstract: When I was a boy,
I had a favourite treat.
It was when my mum made . . .
Ohhh! I LOVED chocolate cake.
Fantastically funny and full of silly noises, this is Michael Rosen's love letter to every child's favourite treat, chocolate cake. Reading age:3-6 years old
New York: Puffin Books, 2009
Abstract: From Agard to Zephaniah, the very best of children's poetry from the very best of children's poets appears in this wonderful and exciting anthology edited by Michael Rosen, the Children's Laureate. Reading age: 7-11 years old
London : Puffin books, 1996
Abstract: Are you pink and green? Are you totally obscene? Can you pick your nose? With your stubby little toes? Let your imagination run riot and laughter fill your belly as you explore traditional poems, rhymes with a twist, and subversive playground favourites in this playful treasure chest of verse. Reading age: 8-12 years old.
Barcelona : Ediciones Ekaré, 2024
Abstract: En esta versión de la canción popular inglesa, el poeta Michael Rosen y la ilustradora Helen Oxenbury, le siguen la pista a cuatro niños que salen con su padre a cazar un oso. Juntos, atraviesan un campo de altos pastos, un profundo río y un oscuro bosque. Hasta que se asoman a una cueva estrecha y tenebrosa. Ahora, ¿quién le tiene miedo al oso? Edad de lectura: 3-8 años