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San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, [2007]
Abstract: Nel mare c'è un piccolo pesciolino che racconta grandi storie... "Nuotavo nel mare tranquillo e beato, quando un calamaro mi ha catturato. Ma una tartaruga l'ha morsicato e dai tentacoli mi ha liberato". "Pesciolino è tutto vero?" "Certamente, son sincero!" E tu, credi alle storie di Pesciolino? Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
[Paris] : Gallimard jeunesse, 2006
Abstract: Un soir où il neigeait, le Gruffalo ronflait. L'enfant du Gruffalo dans son coin s'ennuyait. L'enfant du Gruffalo n'avait pas peur du tout. Elle quitta la caverne à petits pas de loup...
London : Nosy Crow, 2013
Abstract: Posy has come to stay at Pip's house but just as they are going to bed, Posy realises that she has forgotten to pack her favourite frog toy! Ages: 3 years +
Weinheim : Beltz & Gelberg, 2008
Abstract: Riese Rick hat es satt, der schäbigste Bewohner der Stadt zu sein. Er kleidet sich neu ein und singt stolz: »Niemand ist so schick wie der Riese Rick!« Dann aber trifft er auf die Giraffe, die Ziege, die Maus, den Fuchs und den Hund. Sie alle brauchen seine Hilfe – und seine Kleider. Doch Riese Rick wird für seine Großzügigkeit fürstlich belohnt! Lesealter: 3-5 Jahre
London : Puffin books, [dopo il 2003]
Abstract: The story follows a kind witch who is flying on her broomstick with her cat. Along the way, they pick up several other animals who are in need of help. When the broomstick breaks and they are confronted by a fierce dragon, the animals work together to save the witch. It is a heartwarming story that teaches children about the importance of friendship and working together to overcome challenges. Ages: 3+
London : Macmillan children's books, 2003
Abstract: George wished he wasn't the scruffiest giant in town
So, one day, he sees a shop selling giant-size clothes, he decides it's time for a new look. With smart trousers, a smart shirt, stripy tie and shiny shoes, George is a new giant.
But on his way home, he meets various animals who desperately need his help ... and his clothes! Ages: 3+
New York : Puffin books, 2006
Abstract: The story follows a tiny snail who longs to see the world and hitches a ride on the back of a friendly whale. Together, they travel across the ocean, visiting a range of exotic locations and encountering various creatures along the way. However, their journey takes a dangerous turn when the whale gets beached on a rocky shore. The snail comes up with a clever plan to save the whale, enlisting the help of a group of schoolchildren. With its engaging rhymes, vivid illustrations, and insp ...; [Read more...]
London : Alison Green Books, 2016
Abstract: The story follows the adventures of Stick Man, who is mistaken for a stick and taken away from his family by various animals. Stick Man goes through a series of mishaps and near-misses, narrowly avoiding being used as a flagpole, a bat, and even firewood. However, with the help of a kind-hearted girl, he finally manages to make his way back to his family in time for Christmas. With its catchy rhymes, humor, and endearing characters, "Stick Man" is a heartwarming tale about the importan ...; [Read more...]
Weinheim : Beltz & Gelberg,, 2012
Abstract: Die Welt ist voller Gefahren, vor allem wenn man ein Stockmann ist und tagein tagaus mit einem ganz gewöhnlichen Stock verwechselt wird. Aber Stockmann gibt nicht auf: »Ich bin kein Stock, du dummer Hund! Ich bin Stockmann! Stockmann! Guck doch genau! Ich will nur nach Hause zu Kindern und Frau.« Als der kleine Mann nach vielen gefährlichen Abenteuern im Kamin landet, ist es beinah um ihn geschehen. Doch schließlich geht alles gut und überraschend anders aus. Und Stockmann ist endlich ...; [Read more...]
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, 2015
Abstract: Una storia in rima che parla di amicizia, avventura, animali, natura, diversità con alcuni dei personaggi nati dalla fantasia di Julia Donaldson e Axel Scheffler, creatori de "Il Gruffalò". Un cane, un uccello, un gatto e una rana via via si uniscono al suo viaggio. Ma con il manico di scopa che sta per rompersi e un drago affamato alla ricerca di uno spuntino, gli amici della strega Rossella devono ingegnarsi... e alla svelta! Età di lettura: da 3 anni.