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Paris : Gallimard Jeunesse, 2012
Abstract: Superasticot est super élancé et supermusclé.Il vole au secours de tous les habitants du quartier.Superasticot est un superhéros. Le plus tortillant et le plus ondulant du monde. Mais oh ! Malheur... un lézard magicien a décidé de l'enlever. Ses amis animaux sauront-ils le sauver ? Âge de lecture: 3-5 ans.
[32] p. ; 21 cm : in gran parte ill.
Abstract: Chi è che si trasforma in un’altalena per far giocare le api annoiate? Chi è che salva la piccola rana che stava per attraversare la strada? Sempre lui, Superverme! Ma la lucertola invidiosa gli tende un tranello e lo imprigiona: ci penseranno gli altri animali del giardino a liberare il loro eroe e a riportarlo in trionfo a casa! Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
New York (US) : Scholastic Inc., 2013
Abstract: Toad in trouble?Beetle in a jam? Never fear- Superworm is hear!And he is wiggling to the rescue. Ages: 3 years +
London : Alison Green Books, 2016
Abstract: Tabby McTat is a busker's cat. He loves his life with Fred, singing along as people throw coins in their hat. Then one day, Fred has an accident, and the two are separated. How will they ever find each other again? Recommended reading age: 3 years and above
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, 2011
Abstract: Il Topo Brigante è il terrore del bosco. Chi mai oserà affrontare questo tipaccio? “Altolà, dammi tutto… ma tu non hai nulla! Dovrò divorarti, mia cara fanciulla. Mi sa che sarai una vera schifezza, un misero pasto, una grande tristezza… Però sono un topo senza pietà e quello che voglio, quello si fa!”Il Topo Brigante è un vero cattivo, spaventa e deruba i poveri animali del bosco. Finché un giorno, un'oca molto furba gli gioca un brutto tiro. Età di lettura: da 5 anni
London : Alison green books, 2020
Abstract: Wildebeest, hyena, vulture, warthog, and marabou stork – meet the five ugliest animals on the African plains. The five exult in how ugly they are, embracing their terrible habits and smells. But each of them has others who love them very much. Ages: 3 years +.
Weinheim : Beltz & Gelberg, 2017
Abstract: Der kleine Affe hat seine Mama verloren, mitten im Wald! Wie gut, dass ihm der Schmetterling beim Suchen helfen will. Aber immer führt der Schmetterling das Äffchen zu den falschen Tieren! Weiß er etwa nicht, dass Affenmamas genauso aussehen wie ihre Kinder? Lesealter: 2-4 Jahre
Dublin : Alison Green Books, 2016
Abstract: Zog is a very keen pupil at Madam Dragon’s school but he is also very accident prone. Each year he learns a new skill which ends in disaster and each year a kind little girl comes to his rescue and treats his injuries. The little girl is Princess Pearl and when Zog captures her and takes her back to school she stays to help take care of the dragons. When a knight arrives to rescue Princess Pearl she announces that she wants to be a doctor. Madam Dragon is delighted when Zog announces h ...; [Read more...]
London : Alison green books, 2016
Abstract: Pearl and Gadabout are now a flying doctor trio, caring for creatures including a mermaid, a unicorn and a sneezy lion. However when bad weather forces them to land at the palace, Pearl is locked up by her uncle, the king. Ages: from 3+ years
Abstract: La princesa Alelí y el caballero Jorge son los doctores voladores. Ambos vuelan a lomos del dragón Zog para ayudar a todo el que lo necesite: sirenas, leones y hasta unicornios en apuros. Pero ¿qué ocurre cuando el que cae enfermo es el mismísimo rey? Edad: 3-6 anos.