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London : Andersen Press, 2006
Abstract: All the young wild animals think Bat is mad. How can she say a tree has the trunk at the top and the leaves at the bottom? Until, that is, they consult wise Owl who suggests that if they just try looking at things from Bat's point of view, they might see thing very differently. Ages: 3 years +
Milano : Il castoro, 2019
Abstract: I giovani animali della foresta pensano che Gisella pipistrella sia matta. Perché dice che il tronco dell'albero sta sopra e le foglie stanno sotto? Per fortuna il Saggio Gufo sa che il mondo non è sempre uguale: dipende dal nostro punto di vista. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
Dusseldorf : Sauerlander, 2007
Abstract: Krachmacher Kalle kann einem wirklich auf die Nerven gehen. Der Mäuserich hat es sich in einem Müslipaket gemütlich gemacht. Nachts kommt er aus seinem Versteck und macht fürchterlichen Krach. Sprengt den Kühlschrank und fährt auf der Butter Ski. Er tappt in keine Mausefalle und auch der eigens herbeigeholte Kammerjäger kann Kalle nicht schnappen. Nicht einmal die dicke Katze Berta bekommt ihn in ihre Krallen. Kalle nimmt an jeder Party teil und langsam hat man sich an ihn gewöhnt. Doc ...; [Read more...]
London : Andersen press, 2003
Abstract: Misery Moo is constantly looking at the downside of things, while her friend Lamby Poo goes through life wearing rose-colored glasses, and trying to get Moo to see things the way he does. However, Misery Moo's pessimism soon gets the best of Lamby Poo, and it is up to this miserable old cow to make her friend happy again. Ages: 4-7 years old.
London : Andersen press, c2006
Abstract: 'Who's in the loo? There's a very long queue. Is it an elephant having a poo?'
If your house has many occupants, then this witty rhyme from the irreverent and observant pen of Jeanne Willis will resonate profoundly. Adrian Reynolds's exuberant illustrations highlight the fun! Age: 0-5 years