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Milano : Nord-Sud, 2017
Abstract: A Orso non piaceva avere ospiti. Infatti nessuno lo andava mai a trovare. Aveva persino affisso un cartello: NIente ospiti. Una mattina sentì bussare alla porta... Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
Busto Arsizio : Nomos bambini, 2019
Abstract: Quando Tanisha versa il succo d'uva su tutto il suo vestito nuovo, e tutti ridono di lei, il suo compagno di classe vuole farla sentire meglio, chiedendosi: cosa significa essere gentili? Dal chiedere alla nuova compagna di giocare insieme al difendere qualcuno vittima di bullismo, dal fare compagnia a chi è solo al ricordarsi i nomi delle persone, questa commovente storia rivela come la gentilezza e ogni nostra azione, grande o piccola, possono fare la differenza, e sprona a superare ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Terre di Mezzo, 2019
Abstract: Dory deve salvare sua sorella Viola: le compagne l'accusano di aver rubato un braccialetto, ma non può essere! Di sicuro c'entrano i pirati... Come se non bastasse ci si mette pure lei Signora Arraffagracchi, con tanto di benda sull'occhio. Nel frattempo Mary trova uno nuova amica (come come??) e il signor Bocconcino si trasforma in una sirena. Cos'altro mai potrebbe succedere? Età di lettura: 5 - 8 anni.
Milano : Terre di Mezzo, 2018
Abstract: Dory sta per perdere il primo dente e non vede l’ora che arrivi la Fatina a portarle un soldino.
Ma quando la perfida signora Arraffagracchi lo scopre, impazzisce di gelosia: anche lei vuole entrare nelle case di tutti i bambini senza finire nei guai. Così decide di sbarazzarsi della Fatina e di rubarle il lavoro. Dory deve subito escogitare un piano astutissimo per salvare la Fatina dei denti e ottenere le giusta ricompensa. Età di lettura: 5 - 8 anni.
London : Puffin, 2010
Abstract: Greg Heffley has always been in a hurry to grow up. But is getting older really all it's cracked up to be? Suddenly Greg is dealing with the pressures of boy-girls parties, increased responsibilities, and even the awkward changes that come with getting older. And after a big fight with his best friend Rowley, it looks like Greg is going to have to face the 'ugly truth' all by himself ... Ages: 7-12 years old.
[London] : Puffin, 2013
Abstract: Greg Heffley's on a losing streak. His best friend, Rowley Jefferson, has ditched him, and finding new friends in middle school is proving to be a tough task. To change his fortunes, Greg decides to take a leap of faith and turn his decisions over to chance. Will a roll of the dice turn things round, or is Greg's life destined to be just another hard-luck story? Ages: 7-12 years old.
London : Puffin, 2011
Abstract: Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is he's innocent. Or at least sort of. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he's goin to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays? Ages: 9-12 years old.
London : Puffin books, 2009
Abstract: Readers everywhere know that Greg Heffley will never change his wimpy ways—but someone needs to explain that to Greg's father! Frank Heffley actually thinks he can toughen up his son by getting him involved in organized sports and other "manly" pursuits. Ages: 7-12 years old.
London : Puffin, 2013
Abstract: A Valentine's Day dance at Greg's school has turned his world upside down. As Greg scrambles to find a date, he's worried he'll be left out in the cold on the big night. His bestfriend, Rowley, doesn't have any prospects either but that's small consolation. Then an unexpected twist gives Greg a partner for the dance and leaves Rowley the odd man out. But a lot can happen in one night, and in the end you never know who's going to be lucky in love... Ages: 7-12 years old.
New York : Penguin Random House, 2017
Abstract: The tale follows two young girls, Snow and Rose, who have moved to a small cottage in the forest with their mother after their father mysteriously disappears. The woods, however, are enchanted and although Snow and Rose don't know it, it's up to them to break the spell that haunts them all. Ages: 7-11 years old.