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New York; HarperCollins Children's Book; 2019
Abstract: Meet the good egg. He’s a verrrrrry good egg indeed.
But trying to be so good is hard when everyone else is plain ol’ rotten.
As the other eggs in the dozen behave badly, the good egg starts to crack from all the pressure of feeling like he has to be perfect.
So, he decides enough is enough! It’s time for him to make a change…Reading age:3-6 years old
New York : Harper Collins Children's Book, 2003
Abstract: What is a dinosaur catches the flu? does he whimper and whine in between each atchoo? Does he drop dirty tissues all over the floor? Does he fling all his medicine out of the door? What do you think? Age 2-5 years old
London : Harper Collins childrens books, 2016
Abstract: Odd Dog Out follows a dachshund that just doesn't quite fit in with all the other dachshunds in her city. All she wants to do is fit in, so she goes on a very long journey to find a place where she will be just like everyone else. After months of walking, she finally discovers the place she's been looking for. Ages: 3-5 years old.
London : Harpercollins Children Books, 2022
Abstract: The Fox is playing hide-and-seek with Percy and the animals of the park. He’s got a great hiding place in Percy’s workshop but hasn’t noticed that there is a pot of strong glue dangerously close by and soon finds himself in an embarrassingly sticky situation! What can Percy do to help? Reading age: 3-5 years old.