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Madrid : NubeOcho, 2019
Abstract: A Juan le gustaba pintarse las unas y cuando se rieron de él en el colegio, su padre decidió apoyaron y pintárselas él también. Esta es una historia inspirada en hechos reales. Edad de lectura:a partir de 4 años
Canongate Books, 2016
Abstract: You are about to read the true story of FATHER CHRSITMAS.. If you believe that some things are impossible, you should put this book down right away.(Because this book is FULL of impossible things) Are you still reading?Good. Then let us begin.. Ages: 7-12 years.
Novara : De Agostini, 1999
Abstract: In un mondo di insetti, il giovane formichiere Flik, desideroso di fare la differenza, cerca l'aiuto di guerrieri per difendere la sua colonia da temibili cavallette. Tuttavia, recluta accidentalmente un gruppo di divertenti insetti da circo. Insieme, affrontano le sfide, scoprendo il valore della diversità, dell'amicizia e della determinazione. Età di lettura: 4 - 7 anni.
New York : Abrams Books For Young Readers, 2018
Abstract: This lyrical picture book encourages young children to be kind to all the animals of the world. Kirk’s loving and hopeful verse blesses and gives warm wishes to farm animals, house pets, wild animals, and other creatures. Sure to warm the hearts of children and parents alike, this book is perfect to curl up with at bedtime. Reading age: 4-8 years old.
Abstract: Learn what's new when it comes to being a good friend -- our popular advice title now features fresh content and new illustrations! Friends are important to girls; they're the icing on their cake, the rainbow in their sky. But even best friends have trouble getting along sometimes. This guide will help girls deal with the pitfalls of interpersonal relationships, from backstabbing and triangles, to other tough friendship problems. It features fun quizzes, practical tips, and stories fro ...; [Read more...]
Hamburg : Schneiderbuch, 2021
Abstract: Dino liebt es, zu brüllen. Im Park? BRÜLL! An der Bushaltestelle? BRÜLL! Auf dem Bauernhof? BRÜLL! Er lässt sich keine Gelegenheit entgehen, auch wenn er alle anderen damit nervt – bis er plötzlich ganz heiser ist und der Arzt ihm dringend empfiehlt, eine Pause einzulegen. Für eine ganze Woche! Wie soll ein hibbeliger, enthusiastischer Dinosaurier es nur schaffen, nicht zu tun, was Dinos eben tun? Lesealter: 4-6 Jahre
[Barcelona] : Beascoa, 2018
Abstract: La científica Ada tiene una imaginación sin límites y siempre ha sido increíblemente curiosa. ¿Por qué hay cosas puntiagudas pegadas a una rosa? ¿Por qué hay pelos creciendo dentro de tu nariz? Cuando su casa se llena de un olor horrible y desagradable, Ada sabe que depende de ella encontrar la fuente. ¿Qué harías tú con un problema como este? Sin miedo al fracaso, Ada emprende una misión de búsqueda de datos y realiza experimentos científicos, todo en nombre del descubrimiento. Pero, ...; [Read more...]
New York ; 29 cm : Abrams Books for Young Readers : in gran parte ill., 2016. [32] p.
Abstract: Scientist Ada has a boundless imagination and has always been hopelessly curious. Why are there pointy things stuck to a rose? Why are there hairs growing inside your nose? When her house fills with a horrific, toe-curling smell, Ada knows it’s up to her to find the source. What would you do with a problem like this? Not afraid of failure, Ada embarks on a fact-finding mission and conducts scientific experiments, all in the name of discovery. But, this time, her experiments lead to eve ...; [Read more...]