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Oxford : David Flicking Books, 2024
Abstract: Philo longs for freedom and adventure, and he most certainly gets it when he lands in the strangest of lands: a place where nothing makes sense, a place packed with riddles and paradoxes. Will Philo ever make it home? Will he make sense of the conundrums that litter his path? An addictive, delightfully bamboozling story sure to thrill and intrigue puzzle-loving readers. Reading age: 9-12 years old
London : Walker Books Ltd, 2008
Abstract: Join Pip on her mission to become a Tooth Fairy! Pip has always wanted to be a tooth fairy and now she s going to training school to learn the tricks of the tooth fairy trade. There s a lot to get to grips with - spells, map-reading and dentricals are just some of the skills she ll need. But it s fun too, and only when the exams are looming does Pip begin to get nervous. Luckily she passes her test with flying colours to become a fully-qualified Tooth Fairy (First Class).Reading age:6- ...; [Read more...]
London : Scholastic Children Books, 2014
Abstract: With their father fighting in the American Civil War, sisters Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are at home with their mother, a very outspoken woman for her time. The story tells of how the sisters grow up, find love, and find their place in the world. Ages: 10 years and up.
Independently published, 2020
Abstract: Alex e' un bambino che ama le storie di investigazione. Si trasferisce con la famiglia a Dubai, negli Emirati Arabi Uniti e, assieme ai suoi nuovi compagni di scuola, risolve misteriosi casi mentre scopre le bellezze del paese. Eta' di lettura: 6-9 anni
Independently published, 2022
Abstract: Alex torna in Italia per le vacanze estive che trascorre con i nonni al mare. Un giorno la guardia costiera trova una barca abbandonata. A bordo non ci sono documenti ne' indizi. Di chi e' la barca e perche' e' alla deriva? Riusciranno Alex e sua cugina Marta a risolvere il caso? Eta' di lettura: 6-9 anni
Independently published, 2022
Abstract: Alex flies from Dubai back to Italy for the summer break. He spends the holidays at their grandparents' house in a small seaside village, where a boat with no one on board is found. There are no passports, no evidence. Will Alex and his cousin Martha be able to solve the mystery? Reading age: 6-9 anni
Luogo di pubblicazione : Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, 2020
Abstract: Follow Alice on her journey through Lewis Carrolls brilliantly odd and highly inventive Wonderland a world where (to Alices great dismay) nothing happens as one might expect it to. The books compact format and rich colour illustrations make it a must have for your own bookshelf and a wonderful literary gift. Age:5-12 years
Bindlag : Loewe Verlag GmbH, 2004
Abstract: Alice ist acht Jahre alt und aus tiefstem Herzen Barbiehasserin. Sie will lieber echte Freundinnen. Aber das ist in der neuen Stadt gar nicht so leicht. Ihr Nachbarsjunge Donald ist dumm wie Brot und schlimmer noch: eben ein Junge! Und die Mädchen aus der Schule haben alle schon eine beste Freundin, die dämlichen Drillinge sogar zwei. Tja, aller Anfang ist eben verflixt. Aber manchmal auch verflixt schön. Lesealter: 8+ Jahre.
New York : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, [2015]
Abstract: When The Baby-sitters Club gets into a huge fight, Mary Anne is left to her own devices. She has to eat alone in the school cafeteria, figure out how to make new friends, and deal with her overprotective father. But the worst happens when she finds herself in a baby-sitting emergency and can't turn to her friends for help. Will Mary Anne solve her problems and save The Baby-sitters Club from falling apart? Age:8-12 years old
San Dorligo della Valle : EL, 2012
Abstract: Ciccio Frittata è un inventore. Ha una fantasia irrefrenabile, è testardo e volenteroso e non si è mai perso nemmeno una puntata di "Inventa tu che invento io" la trasmissione televisiva del suo idolo Mic Bullone. È perdutamente innamorato di Sara Meglio, la bambina carina del palazzo, e ha come amici Lele Mosina, il bambino triste che conosce tutte le storielle raccapriccianti, e Ivo Manetta, il più inconcludente collezionista di pezzi d'ingranaggio del mondo. Aiutato da loro, Ciccio ...; [Read more...]