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Madrid : NubeOcho, 2019
Abstract: A Juan le gustaba pintarse las unas y cuando se rieron de él en el colegio, su padre decidió apoyaron y pintárselas él también. Esta es una historia inspirada en hechos reales. Edad de lectura:a partir de 4 años
Canongate Books, 2016
Abstract: You are about to read the true story of FATHER CHRSITMAS.. If you believe that some things are impossible, you should put this book down right away.(Because this book is FULL of impossible things) Are you still reading?Good. Then let us begin.. Ages: 7-12 years.
Novara : De Agostini, 1999
Abstract: In un mondo di insetti, il giovane formichiere Flik, desideroso di fare la differenza, cerca l'aiuto di guerrieri per difendere la sua colonia da temibili cavallette. Tuttavia, recluta accidentalmente un gruppo di divertenti insetti da circo. Insieme, affrontano le sfide, scoprendo il valore della diversità, dell'amicizia e della determinazione. Età di lettura: 4 - 7 anni.
New York : Abrams Books For Young Readers, 2018
Abstract: This lyrical picture book encourages young children to be kind to all the animals of the world. Kirk’s loving and hopeful verse blesses and gives warm wishes to farm animals, house pets, wild animals, and other creatures. Sure to warm the hearts of children and parents alike, this book is perfect to curl up with at bedtime. Reading age: 4-8 years old.
Abstract: Learn what's new when it comes to being a good friend -- our popular advice title now features fresh content and new illustrations! Friends are important to girls; they're the icing on their cake, the rainbow in their sky. But even best friends have trouble getting along sometimes. This guide will help girls deal with the pitfalls of interpersonal relationships, from backstabbing and triangles, to other tough friendship problems. It features fun quizzes, practical tips, and stories fro ...; [Read more...]
Hamburg : Schneiderbuch, 2021
Abstract: Dino liebt es, zu brüllen. Im Park? BRÜLL! An der Bushaltestelle? BRÜLL! Auf dem Bauernhof? BRÜLL! Er lässt sich keine Gelegenheit entgehen, auch wenn er alle anderen damit nervt – bis er plötzlich ganz heiser ist und der Arzt ihm dringend empfiehlt, eine Pause einzulegen. Für eine ganze Woche! Wie soll ein hibbeliger, enthusiastischer Dinosaurier es nur schaffen, nicht zu tun, was Dinos eben tun? Lesealter: 4-6 Jahre
[Barcelona] : Beascoa, 2018
Abstract: La científica Ada tiene una imaginación sin límites y siempre ha sido increíblemente curiosa. ¿Por qué hay cosas puntiagudas pegadas a una rosa? ¿Por qué hay pelos creciendo dentro de tu nariz? Cuando su casa se llena de un olor horrible y desagradable, Ada sabe que depende de ella encontrar la fuente. ¿Qué harías tú con un problema como este? Sin miedo al fracaso, Ada emprende una misión de búsqueda de datos y realiza experimentos científicos, todo en nombre del descubrimiento. Pero, ...; [Read more...]
New York ; 29 cm : Abrams Books for Young Readers : in gran parte ill., 2016. [32] p.
Abstract: Scientist Ada has a boundless imagination and has always been hopelessly curious. Why are there pointy things stuck to a rose? Why are there hairs growing inside your nose? When her house fills with a horrific, toe-curling smell, Ada knows it’s up to her to find the source. What would you do with a problem like this? Not afraid of failure, Ada embarks on a fact-finding mission and conducts scientific experiments, all in the name of discovery. But, this time, her experiments lead to eve ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Babalibri, 2013
Abstract: Un giorno un negoziante regala un palloncino ad Akiko. Arrivata a casa, Akiko lo lascia andare e il palloncino vola alto fino al soffitto. «Mamma, mamma, non riesco a prenderlo!» Alla mamma viene in mente una bella idea: lega alla cordicella del palloncino un cucchiaino. Ora il palloncino fluttua allaltezza di Akiko. Insieme vanno in giardino, fanno merenda e Akiko costruisce una coroncina di fiori per il palloncino. Ma improvvisamente un colpo di vento fa volare il palloncino lontano ...; [Read more...]
Independently published, 2020
Abstract: Alex e' un bambino che ama le storie di investigazione. Si trasferisce con la famiglia a Dubai, negli Emirati Arabi Uniti e, assieme ai suoi nuovi compagni di scuola, risolve misteriosi casi mentre scopre le bellezze del paese. Eta' di lettura: 6-9 anni
Independently published, 2022
Abstract: Alex torna in Italia per le vacanze estive che trascorre con i nonni al mare. Un giorno la guardia costiera trova una barca abbandonata. A bordo non ci sono documenti ne' indizi. Di chi e' la barca e perche' e' alla deriva? Riusciranno Alex e sua cugina Marta a risolvere il caso? Eta' di lettura: 6-9 anni
Independently published, 2022
Abstract: Alex flies from Dubai back to Italy for the summer break. He spends the holidays at their grandparents' house in a small seaside village, where a boat with no one on board is found. There are no passports, no evidence. Will Alex and his cousin Martha be able to solve the mystery? Reading age: 6-9 anni
Luogo di pubblicazione : Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, 2020
Abstract: Follow Alice on her journey through Lewis Carrolls brilliantly odd and highly inventive Wonderland a world where (to Alices great dismay) nothing happens as one might expect it to. The books compact format and rich colour illustrations make it a must have for your own bookshelf and a wonderful literary gift. Age:5-12 years
London : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2019
Abstract: Duck just wants to play with his best friend Bear… the final story in the hilarious Duck and Bear series from an award-winning team!
Duck wants to play in the snow.
But Bear thinks it’s waaaaay too cold.
Who will Duck hike in the snow with?
Will Bear ever come outside?! And will these two neighbours EVER get along? Reading age: 3-7 years old.
London : Walker, 2012
Abstract: In I am Invited to a Party!, Piggie is invited to her first party. But what will she wear? Gerald, the party expert, knows just how to help … or does he? Told entirely in speech bubbles with a repetitive use of familiar phrases, this highly original book is perfect for children just learning to read. Age: 4-8 years old
London : Frances Lincoln Children Books, 2016
Abstract: When Amelia was young, she liked to imagine she could stretch her wings and fly away like a bird. As a grown woman, she set a new female world record for flying up to 14,000 feet. She also flew across the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, and eventually undertook the most dangerous mission of all: to fly all the way around the world. Ages: 4 years +
Milano : Piemme, 2019
Abstract: Com'è possibile che i mostri del Regno delle Tenebre non ricordino più nulla? Chi ha cancellato la loro memoria? Amelia Fang dovrà smascherare un impostore dall'aspetto bizzarro, che nasconde un segreto... da paura! Età di lettura: da 7 anni.
Milano : Il Castoro, 2017
Abstract: Gatto ama vagabondare a spasso per la città. Bollicino, invece, è un pesce rosso che nuota sempre in tondo nel suo acquario. Gatto vuole bene a Bollicino e vorrebbe che anche lui vedesse il mondo là fuori: è così bello! Per fortuna Gatto è un amico speciale e un giorno ha l’idea perfetta per liberare il suo piccolo amico, che finalmente può vedere l’oceano e respirare ilprofumo della libertà. Ma Bollicino sarà pronto a tuffarsi nel mondo e separarsi dal suo migliore amico? Eta' di lett ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Piemme, 2015
Abstract: Al College di Topford c'è grande fermento: bisogna organizzare i festeggiamenti per i 600 anni della fondazione della scuola! I professori decidono quindi di mettere in scena la più grande storia d'amore di tutti i tempi: Romeo e Giulietta! Chi si aggiudicherà le parti principali? Età di lettura: da 8 anni.
Milano : Rizzoli, 2022
Abstract: In un cortile abbandonato, dove non batte mai il sole, vive un'anatra zoppa tutta sola che vorrebbe un po' di compagnia. Ha paura di volare, e al solo pensiero di avventurarsi nel mondo le tremano le piume, ma quando un bel giorno un'impavida e cocciuta gallina cieca la invita a partire per il luogo dove si esaudiscono tutti i desideri, la sua vita viene scombussolata. Inizia così il viaggio dell'improbabile coppia che, tra esilaranti battibecchi e avventurose peripezie, affronterà ost ...; [Read more...]
Milano : La coccinella, c2021
Abstract: Un libro che celebra la perfezione e la bellezza della natura. Un raffinato gioco di geometrie cartotecniche e grafiche, per conoscere gli animali e le loro specificità a partire dagli incredibili disegni dei loro manti. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
Paris : Bayard Presse, 2018
Abstract: Pour s'amuser, l'ogre Gragobert capture les enfants et les mange. Anna, une petite fille rusée, veut se débarasser du monstre qui fait peur à ses amis. Va-t-elle y arriver ? Âge recommandé : 5-7 ans
London :Orchard Books, 2013
Abstract: Kirsty Tate and Rachel Walker are having a fantastic time helping out at the Wild Woods Nature Reserve. But nasty Jack Frost has stolen the Animal Rescue Fairies' magical key rings, so he can have his own personal zoo...
Join Rachel and Kirsty and meet a new fairy friend and gorgeous baby animal in each magical adventure! Reading age: 6-8 years old
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, 2014
Abstract: A Sant'Antonio, sul Lago Maggiore, viveva una donnina tanto brava a fare la marmellata, così brava che i suoi servigi erano richiesti in Valcuvia, in Valtravaglia, in Val Dumentina e in Val Poverina. Età di lettura: da 5 anni.
Novara : De Agostini, [1999]
Abstract: Sulle strade di Parigi, una famiglia di gatti aristocratici vive una vita di comfort e raffinatezza, ma tutto cambia quando un malvagio maggiordomo cospira per ereditare la loro fortuna. Disorientati e smarriti, i gatti vagano per le strade incontrando nuovi amici, tra cui l'istrionico gatto Romeo Insieme, intraprendono un avventuroso viaggio per tornare a casa e svelare il piano del malvagio maggiordomo. Questa storia di amicizia, avventura e ritorno alla casa è ricca di personaggi in ...; [Read more...]
Oxford : Oxford University press, 2001
Abstract: This is a collection of poems by modern poets, some of which have been specially written for this book. In it, we follow a child's year from New Year to Easter, Halloween, Bonfire Night and, of course, Christmas. There are also poems about Diwali, Edi-Mubarak, Chinese New Year and
Hannukah. Reading age 5-7 years old
Paris :Kaléidoscope, 2006
Abstract: " Louis ! Arrête de rêver ! " " Louis ! Reviens sur terre ! " Mais en cet après-midi de sortie en mer, Louis va démontrer à son papa que l'enfant à l'imaginaire riche est tout à fait capable d'utiliser son imagination pour le bien de tous...Âge de lecture: 6-8 ans
México : Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2008
Abstract: Todo comenzó cuando Floyd atascó su cometa en un árbol. Intentó tirar y balancearlo, pero seguía atascado. Los problemas realmente comenzaron cuando lanzó su zapato favorito para liberar la cometa... ¡y también quedó atrapado! ¿Cómo hará Floyd para bajar la cometa del árbol? Edad de lectura: a partir de 4 años.
Zurich :NordSüd Verlag, 2021
Abstract: »Hallo.« »Hallo.« »Was ist passiert?« »Nichts.« Doch der Schein trügt: Es passiert eine ganze Menge! Wir treffen auf Schildkröte und ihre Freunde, die sich über ganz alltägliche Dinge unterhalten. Aber über ihren Köpfen braut sich etwas Unheilvolles zusammen ... Erneut erzielt Jon Klassen mit reduzierten Mitteln eine große emotionale Wirkung. Eine Geschichte voller Komik und visueller Spannung, die gekonnt mit unseren Erwartungen spielt. Und woher kommt dieses ungute Gefühl, dass hier ...; [Read more...]
London : Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2018
Abstract: Move over, Bonnie and Clyde, because there's a new criminal mastermind in town . . . Baby Frank!
He's the world's most unlikely criminal, but he's about to pull off the most daring baby bank heist ever.
Why? To get money for a fluffy new pet, of course.
This baby is dangerously cute and desperate for a pet. You have been warned . . .Reading age: 3-6 years old
New York : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, [2016]
Abstract: Claudia and her sister, Janine, may as well be from two different planets. Claudia, who pays more attention to her artwork and The Baby-sitters Club than her homework, feels like she can't compete with her perfect sister. Janine studies nonstop, gets straight As, and even takes college-level courses! But when something unexpected happens to the most beloved person in their family, will the sisters be able to put aside their differences? Age:8-12 years old
New York : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, [2018]
Abstract: Kristy's mom is getting married, and Kristy is going to be a bridesmaid! The only problem? Fourteen kids are coming to town for the wedding. Kristy, Claudia, Mary Anne, Stacey, Dawn, and Mallory think they can handle it, but that's before they spend a week changing diapers, stopping arguments, solving mix-ups, and planning activities. It's the biggest job the BSC has ever had, but they'll work together to make sure Kristy's big day is a success! Age: 8-12 years old
New York, NY : Graphix, [2015]
Abstract: Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, and Stacey are best friends and founding members of The Baby-sitters Club. Whatever comes up -- cranky toddlers, huge dogs, scary neighbors, prank calls -- you can count on them to save the day. Baby-sitting isn''t always easy, and neither is dealing with strict parents, new families, fashion emergencies, and mysterious secrets. But no matter what, the BSC have what they need most: friendship. Age: 8-12 years
New York, NY : Graphix, [2015]
Abstract: Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, and Stacey are best friends and founding members of The Baby-sitters Club. Whatever comes up -- cranky toddlers, huge dogs, scary neighbors, prank calls -- you can count on them to save the day. Baby-sitting isn''t always easy, and neither is dealing with strict parents, new families, fashion emergencies, and mysterious secrets. But no matter what, the BSC have what they need most: friendship. Age: 8-12 years
New York : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, [2015]
Abstract: When The Baby-sitters Club gets into a huge fight, Mary Anne is left to her own devices. She has to eat alone in the school cafeteria, figure out how to make new friends, and deal with her overprotective father. But the worst happens when she finds herself in a baby-sitting emergency and can't turn to her friends for help. Will Mary Anne solve her problems and save The Baby-sitters Club from falling apart? Age:8-12 years old
New York : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, [2015]
Abstract: Poor Stacey. She just moved to a new town, is still coming to terms with her diabetes, and is facing baby-sitting problems left and right. Fortunately, Stacey has three new friends -- Kristy, Claudia, and Mary Anne. Together they''re the BSC -- and they will deal with whatever''s thrown their way... even if it''s a rival baby-sitting club!Age: 8-12 years old
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2023
Abstract: It’s Karen's birthday! She can’t wait for all those presents. Karen is even going to have two parties -- one at Daddy's house and one at Mommy's. But what Karen really wants for her birthday is one big party and to celebrate the special day with her whole family together. Will Karen's birthday wish come true? Ages: 7 years +
Abstract: Karen wants to start her own club!
Karen's best friend Hannie just got an adorable new kitten. Their neighbor Amanda has a cat, too, and Karen has grumpy old Boo-Boo. Now that they all have cats, Karen comes up with a great idea. She wants to start a Kittycat Club!
What will the club do? Karen can't baby-sit like her big sister Kristy... but she can cat-sit! Will anyone want to hire Karen and her friends? Age: 7-10 years old
New York ; Scholastic Ltd ; 2020
Abstract: "It's going to be a great weekend! Karen has new roller skates and is a very good skater. She's looking forward to trying some new tricks. But, oh no! Karen falls down and has to go to the hospital. Her wrist is broken! Karen is determined to get everyone she knows -- plus someone famous -- to sign her cast. It isn't going to be easy, but she won't give up until the job is done"-- Ages: 8 years +
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2022
Abstract: "Karen has to get glasses! She doesn't want them, especially because school pictures are going to be taken soon. But she picks out some pretty pink ones and thinks she looks very grown-up. Then Yicky Ricky at school starts calling her names, like Owl. Ages: 7 years +
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2020
Abstract: Karen Brewer lives next door to Mrs. Porter, who wears long robes and has wild gray hair. Mrs. Porter has a black cat named Midnight and always seems to be working in her garden. Karen isn't supposed to spy on her neighbor, but she's determined to prove that Mrs. Porter is a witch named Morbidda Destiny!Mrs. Porter is getting ready to have a special meeting at her house, and Karen is sure the meeting is for witches. Are they going to cast a spell on Karen? Or will she be brave enough t ...; [Read more...]
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2021
Abstract: Another graphic novel in this fun series spin-off of The Baby-sitters Club, featuring Kristy's little stepsister! Karen is having a terrible day. Her favorite jeans are missing, there's no prize in the Crunch-O cereal box, and Boo-Boo the cat won't play with her. She even gets punished and sent to her room! Karen tries everything to make her day better, but nothing is going right, and her bad luck won't go away. Will this be the worst day ever? Ages: 7 years +
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2021
Abstract: Another graphic novel in this fun series spin-off of The Baby-sitters Club, featuring Kristy's little stepsister! Karen is having a terrible day. Her favorite jeans are missing, there's no prize in the Crunch-O cereal box, and Boo-Boo the cat won't play with her. She even gets punished and sent to her room! Karen tries everything to make her day better, but nothing is going right, and her bad luck won't go away. Will this be the worst day ever? Ages: 7 years +
Abstract: The Bad Guys, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Shark, Mr. Snake, and Mr. Piranha, want to be heroes, and they decide that the way to do it is free the 200 dogs in the city dog pound--but their plan soon goes awry. Ages: 6+
Abstract: The Bad Guys are vanishing! A creature with TONS of teeth and WAY too many butts is stealing them, one by one. Is this the end for the Bad Guys? Maybe. Will it be funny? You bet your butts it will! Reading ages: 6+
Abstract: "It's a zombie kitten apocalypse! Can the Bad Guys save the world from evil Dr. Marmalade's meowing monsters?!? They'll need help from foxy Agent Fox, a swampy secret zombie antidote, and the feistiest, toothiest, hungriest granny around. Get ready to watch the fur fly!"--Page 4 of cover. Ages:6+
Abstract: The Bad Guys have flown through outer space, made it back to Earth, and managed to land in exactly the right place... but exactly the wrong TIME. Who knew alien escape pods were capable of time travel?!? And now that they're 65 million years in the past, they must avoid being eaten by dinosaurs and fix their broken time machine if they ever want to get back home before an evil alien destroys the whole world! Reading ages: 6+
Abstract: "The bad news? The world is ending. The good news? The Bad Guys are back to save it! Sure, they might have to "borrow" a rocket. And there might be something nasty in one of the spacesuits. And Mr. Piranha miiiiight have eaten too many bean burritos. Surviving this mission may only be one small step for man, but it's one giant leap for the Bad Guys" Ages: 6+