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London : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2010
Abstract: This book tells the story of the bond that grows between a homeless man nicknamed Mr Stink, who lives on the bench in the local town park, and of a lonely little girl called Chloe. Chloe gets on with her father, but aside from that feels like a misfit both at home and in school. Reading age: 8-12 years old
London : Red fox, c1999
Abstract: Ars Armitage arrives on the beach with her surfboard and her faithful dog Breakspear, and paddles out to sea to wait for the Big Wave. But, of course, Mrs Armitage can't be satisfied with just an ordinary surfboard and she is soon adding a hilarious variety of gadgets and contraptions. And when the Big Wave finally arrives, Mrs Armitage certainly surfs with style! Reading age:5-7 years old.
London : Hodder Children's Books, 2018
Abstract: Meet Mrs Blackhat, a witch who just loves the colour black. Black broom, black boots, black wand, black chair, black crow, black toad, black bat . . . GINGER cat?! What on Earth can Mrs Blackhat do to fix this problem? Find out in this hilarious rhyming story! Reading age: 2-5 years old
London : Penguin Random House, 2014
Abstract: When Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong set up their very own secret detective agency at Deepdean School for Girls, they struggle to find any truly exciting mysteries to investigate. (Unless you count the case of Lavinia’s missing tie. Which they don’t.)
Then Hazel discovers the Science Mistress, Miss Bell, lying dead in the Gym. She assumes it was a terrible accident – but when she and Daisy return five minutes later, the body has disappeared. Now Hazel and Daisy not only have a murder to so ...; [Read more...]
Great Britain : Amazon, 2021
Abstract: My Best Friend Moved Away is a story to help children (or adults, in my case) deal with a move or loss of a friend due to a move. If your child is experiencing a similar situation, a copy of this book for each friend may be just the thing to lesson the pain associated with the move/separation.
London : Usborne, 2013
Abstract: There are over 270 familiar words for children to spot and learn in this delightfully illustrated book. Each word is brought to life with a friendly illustration, and grouped into themes including ‘Animals’, ‘At home’, ‘My body’, ‘Bedtime’ and lots more. With sturdy board pages designed to withstand being read time and time again. Reading age: 6 months-3 years
London :Egmont, 1962
Abstract: My naughty little sister is always doing silly things. She's curious about what's in the chimney, so she sticks a feather duster up there. When all the soot falls out, she tries to hide it! But when she has measles she's itchy and sad and grumpy and has to stay in bed—and can't be naughty at all! How long before she's bad again? Reading age: 9-12 years
Londra ; New York : Phaidon, 2009
Abstract: "Cosa succede quando le piccole pulci che vivono nel materasso in fondo al giardino danno una festa? Una favola divertente sulla differenza e la tolleranza, capace di catturare l'interesse di ogni bambino. Scritta e illustrata con una tecnica singolare, grazie alla quale Beatrice Alemagna coniuga il collage con l'impiego di inserti e tessuti. È una storia idele sia per essere letta dai genitori ai bambini più piccoli, sia per giovanissimo lettori." Età di lettura: da 2 anni.
London : Andersen, 2012
Abstract: When a group of bullies steal a poor newspaper boy's money, his bag suddenly flies into the air and the newspapers transform into Origami Girl. Joey is whisked away on away on a hair-raising chase with his new superhero friend in order to confront the bullies! Age: 4 years +
London : Campbell Books, 2022
Abstract: Follow the ups and downs of their journey, brought to life with fun flaps and mechanisms. Each page has really helpful tips for parents and carers. Reading age: 3-5 years old