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San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, ©2021
Abstract: Incontra i più orribili animali della savana. Sono smilzi, verrucosi, ispidi, ruvidi, brufolosi, puzzolenti, e assolutamente irresistibili! Gli Orribili Cinque noi siam! / Fuggono tutti alla nostra vista, / non c'è bisogno di gridare: Pista! Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
Abstract: La princesa Alelí y el caballero Jorge son los doctores voladores. Ambos vuelan a lomos del dragón Zog para ayudar a todo el que lo necesite: sirenas, leones y hasta unicornios en apuros. Pero ¿qué ocurre cuando el que cae enfermo es el mismísimo rey? Edad: 3-6 anos.
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, 2020
Abstract: In un albero cavo di un verde giardino vive la famiglia di Bastoncino. Lui ancora non ma una grande avventura presto inizierà... Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
London : Alison green books, 2020
Abstract: Wildebeest, hyena, vulture, warthog, and marabou stork – meet the five ugliest animals on the African plains. The five exult in how ugly they are, embracing their terrible habits and smells. But each of them has others who love them very much. Ages: 3 years +.
Paris : Gallimard Jeunesse, 2019
Abstract: Une petite souris se promène dans la grande forêt. Sur son chemin, elle croise le renard, le hibou et le serpent qui la trouvent bien appétissante et l'invitent à déjeuner chez eux. Mais la petite souris, très maligne, refuse leur invitation car elle a rendez-vous avec un... gruffalo ! C'est bien mystérieux, un gruffalo... Une histoire pleine d'humour qui amusera tous les enfants.
Paris : Gallimard Jeunesse, 2017
Abstract: L'Afrique abrite des animaux grands et majestueux, mais aussi d'autres, bien moins séduisants. Poil rèche, verrues, peau fripée, pattes maigrichonnes et dos courbé, voici le gnou, le phacochère, le vautour oricou, le marabout et la hyène : une bande d'affreux qui se pavanent dans la savane en chantant leur laideur... Mais est-ce un drame d'être aussi vilains ? Pas du tout ! Surtout lorsque leurs petits les rassurent : à leurs yeux, point de défauts, ce sont eux les plus beaux ! Âge de ...; [Read more...]
London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2017
Abstract: One night, the Gruffalo’s child wanders into the woods to search for the Big Bad Mouse. But instead, she comes upon a small mouse in the woods . . . and decides to eat him! But wait, what is that? A shadow of a very large, scary creature falls on the ground. Could it be the Big Bad Mouse after all? Reading age:2-5 Years old
Weinheim : Beltz & Gelberg, 2017
Abstract: Der kleine Affe hat seine Mama verloren, mitten im Wald! Wie gut, dass ihm der Schmetterling beim Suchen helfen will. Aber immer führt der Schmetterling das Äffchen zu den falschen Tieren! Weiß er etwa nicht, dass Affenmamas genauso aussehen wie ihre Kinder? Lesealter: 2-4 Jahre
London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2016
Abstract: Just what is the Gruffalo?
He has terrible tusks... and terrible claws... and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws.
But do all those things make him the scariest creature in the deep dark wood? One brave little mouse with a big imagination doesn't think so!
When Mouse takes a stroll through the woods, he meets a fox, an owl, and a snake who all want to eat him. So clever Mouse scares them off by warning them about the gruffalo who lives in the forest, a monster with terrible te ...; [Read more...]
London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2016
Abstract: The story follows a little monkey who has lost his mother and enlists the help of a butterfly to find her. However, the butterfly misunderstands the monkey's descriptions and takes him to meet a series of unsuitable animals, including a parrot, a snake, and an elephant. Eventually, they come across a wise owl who understands what the monkey is looking for and leads him to his mother. With delightful rhymes and colorful illustrations, "The Monkey Puzzle" is a heartwarming tale about the ...; [Read more...]