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Paris : Gallimard Jeunesse, 2019
Abstract: Une petite souris se promène dans la grande forêt. Sur son chemin, elle croise le renard, le hibou et le serpent qui la trouvent bien appétissante et l'invitent à déjeuner chez eux. Mais la petite souris, très maligne, refuse leur invitation car elle a rendez-vous avec un... gruffalo ! C'est bien mystérieux, un gruffalo... Une histoire pleine d'humour qui amusera tous les enfants.
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, [2015]
Abstract: Papà Gruffalò raccomanda alla sua piccolina di non inoltrarsi da sola nella fitta foresta senza vento. Ma la piccolina non riesce a tenere a bada la sua curiosità così, una notte, decide di andare a vedere con i suoi occhi di cosa si tratta… Vincerà anche questa volta la furbizia del piccolo topo?!? Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
New York [etc.] : Puffin Books, 2007
Abstract: One night, the Gruffalo's child wanders into the woods to search for the Big Bad Mouse. Instead, she comes upon a small mouse in the woods... and decides to eat him!
But wait, what is that? A shadow of a very large, scary creature falls on the ground, and suddenly the Gruffalo's child is frightened. Could it be the Big Bad Mouse after all? Ages: 3+
London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2017
Abstract: One night, the Gruffalo’s child wanders into the woods to search for the Big Bad Mouse. But instead, she comes upon a small mouse in the woods . . . and decides to eat him! But wait, what is that? A shadow of a very large, scary creature falls on the ground. Could it be the Big Bad Mouse after all? Reading age:2-5 Years old
London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2015
Abstract: 2 stories in 1 book! Visit Bear, Fox, Rabbit, Pig and all their friends deep in the heart of Acorn Wood. Each rhyming story is a joy to read aloud and with lift-the-flap surprises on every spread these enchanting board books are sure to delight parents and toddlers alike. Reading age: 2-5 years old
London : Alison Green Books, 2011
Abstract: The Highway Rat is a baddie. He sits on the highway or the road through the mountains and he robs the people of all their food, even if he doesn’t like it. Even the leaves the ants are carrying, the Highway Rat takes it all. He’s so bad that he steals his own horses hay. ages: 3 years and up.
Paris : Autrement Jeunesse, 2006
Abstract: Confortablement installé dans son fauteuil, Charlie ouvre son livre préféré. C'est l'histoire d'un pirate qui découvre un livre, un livre qui raconte l'histoire de Boucle d'or. Boucle d'or lit un livre qui raconte une histoire, l'histoire d'un chevalier qui lit un livre... De livre en livre, d'univers en univers, les personnages se croisent en une histoire à tiroirs pleine d'humour, qui évoque le pouvoir magique de la lecture... Âge de lecture : à partir de 3 ans.
S.l. : Calligram, 2008
Abstract: Il était une fois une petite bonne femme qui trouvait sa maison vraiment trop petite. Elle ne cessait de ronchonner, et de bougonner devant son voisin. Ce dernier, qui avait du bon sens, lui donna quelques conseils pour venir à bout de cette situation. Âge de lecture: a partire de 3 ans.
London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2016
Abstract: The story follows a little monkey who has lost his mother and enlists the help of a butterfly to find her. However, the butterfly misunderstands the monkey's descriptions and takes him to meet a series of unsuitable animals, including a parrot, a snake, and an elephant. Eventually, they come across a wise owl who understands what the monkey is looking for and leads him to his mother. With delightful rhymes and colorful illustrations, "The Monkey Puzzle" is a heartwarming tale about the ...; [Read more...]
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, ©2021
Abstract: Incontra i più orribili animali della savana. Sono smilzi, verrucosi, ispidi, ruvidi, brufolosi, puzzolenti, e assolutamente irresistibili! Gli Orribili Cinque noi siam! / Fuggono tutti alla nostra vista, / non c'è bisogno di gridare: Pista! Età di lettura: da 3 anni.