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New York : Hyperion books for children, 2010
Abstract: Gerald and Piggie are best friends.
Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can.
In Can I Play Too? Gerald and Piggie meet a new snake friend who wants to join in a game of catch. But don''t you need arms to catch? Age: 3-6 years
Barcelona : RBA, 2018
Abstract: Ser casi adolescente puede ser un fastidio. Nadie lo sabe mejor que Greg Heffley, inmerso en el duro ambiente del instituto, donde los chicos bajitos que aún no han pegado el estirón tienen que compartir los pasillos con grandullones que ya se afeitan dos veces al día. Edad de lectura: a partir de 9 años
Milano : Il Castoro, 2013
Abstract: Greg Heffley è nei guai. Qualcuno ha sporcato i muri della scuola e lui è il primo sospettato. Ma Greg è sicuro di essere innocente! O almeno, quasi innocente... Quando la verità sta per essere scoperta, una tempesta di neve si abbatte sulla città e la famiglia Heffley rimane bloccata in casa. Greg sa che allo sciogliersi della neve dovrà affrontare le autorità, ma nel frattempo... c'è una punizione peggiore del passare le vacanze in trappola con Manny, Rodrick e Mamma? Età di lettura: ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Il castoro, 2011
Abstract: Sono arrivate le vacanze estive, il tempo è fantastico e tutti i ragazzi si divertono all'aria aperta. Ma cosa fa Greg? Chiuso in casa, con i videogiochi e le tende tirate, sta realizzando il suo sogno: un periodo senza obblighi e responsabilità. Sua madre però ha un'idea del tutto diversa dell'estate perfetta... un'idea fatta di attività all'aperto e gite con la famiglia. Chi avrà la meglio? Età di lettura: 9-12 anni
London : Puffin, 2011
Abstract: Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is he's innocent. Or at least sort of. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he's goin to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays? Ages: 9-12 years old.
London : Puffin, 2008
Abstract: It's a new school year, and Greg Heffley finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving. The hazards of growing up before you're ready are uniquely revealed through words and drawings as Greg records them in his diary. In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. But when Rowley's star starts to rise, Greg tries to use his best friend's newf ...; [Read more...]
[London] : Puffin, 2013
Abstract: Greg Heffley's on a losing streak. His best friend, Rowley Jefferson, has ditched him, and finding new friends in middle school is proving to be a tough task. To change his fortunes, Greg decides to take a leap of faith and turn his decisions over to chance. Will a roll of the dice turn things round, or is Greg's life destined to be just another hard-luck story? Ages: 7-12 years old.
London : Puffin books, 2009
Abstract: Readers everywhere know that Greg Heffley will never change his wimpy ways—but someone needs to explain that to Greg's father! Frank Heffley actually thinks he can toughen up his son by getting him involved in organized sports and other "manly" pursuits. Ages: 7-12 years old.
London : Puffin, 2013
Abstract: A Valentine's Day dance at Greg's school has turned his world upside down. As Greg scrambles to find a date, he's worried he'll be left out in the cold on the big night. His bestfriend, Rowley, doesn't have any prospects either but that's small consolation. Then an unexpected twist gives Greg a partner for the dance and leaves Rowley the odd man out. But a lot can happen in one night, and in the end you never know who's going to be lucky in love... Ages: 7-12 years old.
London : Puffin, 2010
Abstract: Greg Heffley has always been in a hurry to grow up. But is getting older really all it's cracked up to be? Suddenly Greg is dealing with the pressures of boy-girls parties, increased responsibilities, and even the awkward changes that come with getting older. And after a big fight with his best friend Rowley, it looks like Greg is going to have to face the 'ugly truth' all by himself ... Ages: 7-12 years old.