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UAE : Turning Point Books, 2024
Abstract: The book aims to ease children's fears about dental visits by telling the story of Danny and Sarah, who go to see Dr. Smile for a dental check-up. Through this engaging narrative, the book helps children understand what to expect during a dental visit, making the experience less intimidating and more enjoyable. Reading age: from 3 years old
New York; Doubleday Books For Young Readers; 2024
Abstract: Chip has been described as very smart and also a dog. And because he's a very good boy, he's going to share his tips on how to live your best life, namely: Don't trust cats. Not even the little, fluffy ones with big eyes. Nohow, no meow.
Trust the squirrel you always chase, trust grandpa (sure, he cheats at cards but he always has treats), and trust that skunk (he seems nice. What could possibly go wrong?). Do NOT trust cats, especially not Mittens. Reading age: 3-5 years old
Dubai :The Dreamwork Collective, 2024
Abstract: What does Mummy do all day when I'm not around?
Olive is a little girl who asks lots of questions. But at school one day, she realises she has no idea
what her mummy does when Olive's not around.
Does she just sit in the car, bored, waiting for Olive to finish school? Or does she have lots of fun and secret adventures without Olive?
Olive's imagination goes wild. She is excited to interrogate mummy further on her secret life.
Can Olive solve the mystery o ...; [Read more...]
Abstract: Sofia and May find a way to keep their special friendship alive when May moves away. Reading age: 4-8 years old
Barcelona : Ediciones Ekaré, 2024
Abstract: En esta versión de la canción popular inglesa, el poeta Michael Rosen y la ilustradora Helen Oxenbury, le siguen la pista a cuatro niños que salen con su padre a cazar un oso. Juntos, atraviesan un campo de altos pastos, un profundo río y un oscuro bosque. Hasta que se asoman a una cueva estrecha y tenebrosa. Ahora, ¿quién le tiene miedo al oso? Edad de lectura: 3-8 años
UAE : Elf Publishing,2023
Abstract: A Dragon Called Blue" was inspired by the scenic landscapes of Scotland.
This enchanting story revolves around the theme of anticipation and the unknown.
The book follows the blue dragon, Blue, as she navigates the changes a mysterious egg brings in her den.
Through Blue's journey, the book explores the concept of change and its emotional impact.
Each stage of the egg changing colors represents different emotions.
This makes it a powerful tool for discussing feelings such ...; [Read more...]
Milano: Terre di Mezzo, 2023
Abstract: Scende di testa o di piedi? Si sporca il vestito? E se la casa non ha un camino? Ecco qualche ipotesi per far luce su uno dei più grandi misteri di tutti i tempi! Età di lettura: da 4 anni.
Hamburg:Carlsen, 2023
Abstract: Es ist ein ganz gewöhnlicher Morgen in der Savanne – anscheinend zumindest. Matti, die kleine Manguste, wacht auf und möchte das Näschen ins Freie recken. Nur, das geht nicht! Vor dem Eingang seines Baues hockt ein riesengraues Dings mit faltigem, borstigem Popo und versperrt Matti Weg und Sicht. Das ist Elias, der alte Elefant. Er ist sehr, sehr traurig – aber er hat verinnerlicht, dass Elefanten nicht weinen. Dabei würde er doch so gerne … Also sitzt Elias da so rum, seufzt und weiß ...; [Read more...]
London, Nosy Crow,
Abstract: "A hilarious new picture book from author of The Suitcase, Chris Naylor-Ballesteros - with neon ink throughout! Frank and Bert are the best of friends and they LOVE to play hide and seek. But Bert the bear isn't quite as good at hiding as he thinks he is . . . and Frank ALWAYS wins! Every. Single. Time. But when it's Bert's turn to hide, and Frank has to decide between winning again OR making his friend happy, Frank learns that friendship is always the true winner. This interactive and ...; [Read more...]
London :Farshore, 2023
Abstract: The sun is shining and the Little Seasons are on their way to the beach. But Summer is feeling hot and bothered . . . First their picnic is overrun by hungry creatures. Next their game of catch is ruined when their ball goes POP.
Luckily his friends know the perfect way to relax: building a giant sandcastle. Finally Summer is starting to have fun!
But no one has noticed the great big wave that’s rolling in . . . Reading age: 3-6 years old.