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Abstract: «El director cree que no es conveniente que eso continúe ocurriendo. Quiere que te enseñe a cerrar tu mente al Señor Tenebroso.»
Son malos tiempos para Hogwarts. Tras el ataque de los dementores a su primo Dudley, Harry Potter comprende que Voldemort no se detendrá ante nada para encontrarlo. Muchos niegan que el Señor Tenebroso haya regresado, pero Harry no está solo: una orden secreta se reúne en Grimmauld Place para luchar contra las fuerzas oscuras. Harry debe permitir que el pr ...; [Read more...]
Barcelona : Salamandra, 2020
Abstract: «Con las manos temblorosas, Harry le dio la vuelta al sobre y vio un sello de lacre púrpura con un escudo de armas: un león, un águila, un tejón y una serpiente, que rodeaban una gran letra H.»
Harry Potter nunca ha oído hablar de Hogwarts hasta que empiezan a caer cartas en el felpudo del número 4 de Privet Drive. Llevan la dirección escrita con tinta verde en un sobre de pergamino amarillento con un sello de lacre púrpura, y sus horripilantes tíos se apresuran a confiscarlas. Más ...; [Read more...]
Barcelona : Salamandra, 2008
Abstract: «Entregadme a Harry Potter -dijo la voz de Voldemort- y nadie sufrirá ningún daño. Entregadme a Harry Potter y dejaré el colegio intacto. Entregadme a Harry Potter y seréis recompensados.»
Cuando se monta en el sidecar de la moto de Hagrid y se eleva en el cielo, dejando Privet Drive por última vez, Harry Potter sabe que lord Voldemort y sus mortífagos se hallan cerca. El encantamiento protector que había mantenido a salvo a Harry se ha roto, pero él no puede seguir escondiéndose. E ...; [Read more...]
London : Puffin, 2020
Abstract: Jason has a problem. He doesn’t remember anything before waking up on a school bus holding hands with a girl. Apparently she’s his girlfriend Piper, his best friend is a kid named Leo, and they’re all students in the Wilderness School, a boarding school for “bad kids.” What he did to end up here, Jason has no idea―except that everything seems very wrong.
Piper has a secret. Her father has been missing for 3 days, and her vivid nightmares reveal that he’s in terrible danger. Now her bo ...; [Read more...]
London : Puffin, 2020
Abstract: Percy is confused. When he awoke after his long sleep, he didn't know much more than his name. His brain-fuzz is lingering, even after the wolf Lupa told him he is a demigod and trained him to fight. Somehow Percy managed to make it to the camp for half-bloods, despite the fact that he had to continually kill monsters that, annoyingly, would not stay dead. But the camp doesn't ring any bells with him. Hazel is supposed to be dead. When she lived before, she didn't do a very good job of ...; [Read more...]
London : Puffin Book, 2003
Abstract: Max is a hedgehog who lives with his family in a nice little home, but it's on the wrong side of the road from the Park where there's a beautiful lily pond and plenty of juicy slugs, worms and snails! The busy road is dangerous but Max is determined to make his way across. If humans can do it, why can't hedgehogs? His first attempt ends in a nasty bump on the head and, when Max tries to speak, he realises his words are all mixed up. He is no longer a hedgehog but a hodge-heg! Still det ...; [Read more...]
London [etc.] : Bloomsbury, 2015
Abstract: Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten- pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnats. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the warden makes the boys "build character" by spending all day, every day, digging holes: five feet wide and five feet deep. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green La ...; [Read more...]
London : Orion children's books, 2007
Abstract: Horrid Henry's friends and enemies all think his first joke book was such a great idea that they want to write one, too! Themed sections from each of Henry's classmates and some of his teachers include Ralph's Rude Jokes, Gurinder's Gorgeous Jokes, Weepy William's 'Wah Nobody Laughed at My Jokes' Jokes, Boudica's Battle Jokes and Fangmangler Jokes. Of course Henry's determined to have the last word with the funniest and grossest jokes of all. Reading age: 6-11 years
London : Walker Books, 2021
Abstract: Nine is an orphan pickpocket determined to escape her life in the Nest of a Thousand Treasures. When she steals a house-shaped ornament from a mysterious woman’s purse, she knocks on its tiny door and watches it grow into a huge, higgledy-piggeldy house. Inside she finds a host of magical and brilliantly funny characters, including Flabberghast – a young wizard who’s particularly competitive at hopscotch – and a hideous troll housekeeper who’s emotionally attached to his feather duster ...; [Read more...]
New York : : Aladdin, Simon and Schuster Childrens Pub.,, 2011.
Abstract: Nikki Maxwell cant believe it when one morning she cant find her diary! The hunt is on, and while she looks, Nikki cant help putting together a list of important diary-keeping lessons to remember in case of missing diary emergencies like this one. How to Dork Your Diary is chock-full of tips from Nikki on fun things to write about in your diary, with lots of space for readers to write and draw their own entries.Age: 9 years +