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Milano : Piemme, 2019
Abstract: "A Topford stiamo organizzando una super festa di Halloween: travestimenti a tema, zucche, dolcetti, scherzetti... e qualche piccola incomprensione che risolveremo grazie alla forza della vera amicizia." Età di lettura: 6-9 years
London : Thames & Hudson, 2019
Abstract: Harold Philip Snipperpot is turning seven years old. He's never had a real birthday party. His parents are too grumpy. But this year is going to be different. Thanks to an amazing man named Mr. Ponzio, something incredible is going to happen on Harold's birthday - and it's going to be absolutely extraordinary. Ages: 5 years +
London : Orchard Books, 2019
Abstract: Hello Lighthouse follows the story of a lighthouse keeper who lives on a secluded island. We watch as he leaves for his first trip out to relieve the previous keeper and as he adjusts to his new life. He keeps busy with daily chores like trimming the wick and refilling the oil for the lighthouse beacon. Reading age: 4-8 years old
Novara : De Agostini, 20030
Abstract: Protagonista del libro è Hercules, il mitologico eroe dalla forza sovraumana, che in una Grecia antica ma modernissima affronta mille pericoli, tra dèi litigiosi, esilaranti diavoletti e Muse vere artiste dei cori gospel. Età di lettura: 4 - 7 anni.
New York: Philomel Books, 2017
Abstract: Written as a manual to life on Earth from new dad Oliver Jeffers to his baby son, this simple, life-affirming picture book is both an overview of Earth and a guide to living well: concepts of kindness, tolerance and environmental responsibility flow seamlessly into the sparse but perfectly judged text. Ages: 5 years up
London : Puffin Book, 2003
Abstract: Max is a hedgehog who lives with his family in a nice little home, but it's on the wrong side of the road from the Park where there's a beautiful lily pond and plenty of juicy slugs, worms and snails! The busy road is dangerous but Max is determined to make his way across. If humans can do it, why can't hedgehogs? His first attempt ends in a nasty bump on the head and, when Max tries to speak, he realises his words are all mixed up. He is no longer a hedgehog but a hodge-heg! Still det ...; [Read more...]
London : Orion children's books, 2007
Abstract: Horrid Henry's friends and enemies all think his first joke book was such a great idea that they want to write one, too! Themed sections from each of Henry's classmates and some of his teachers include Ralph's Rude Jokes, Gurinder's Gorgeous Jokes, Weepy William's 'Wah Nobody Laughed at My Jokes' Jokes, Boudica's Battle Jokes and Fangmangler Jokes. Of course Henry's determined to have the last word with the funniest and grossest jokes of all. Reading age: 6-11 years
London : Walker Books, 2021
Abstract: Nine is an orphan pickpocket determined to escape her life in the Nest of a Thousand Treasures. When she steals a house-shaped ornament from a mysterious woman’s purse, she knocks on its tiny door and watches it grow into a huge, higgledy-piggeldy house. Inside she finds a host of magical and brilliantly funny characters, including Flabberghast – a young wizard who’s particularly competitive at hopscotch – and a hideous troll housekeeper who’s emotionally attached to his feather duster ...; [Read more...]
London : Harper Collins, 2022
Abstract: For 53 years, the Grinch has lived in a cave on the side of a mountain, looming above the Whos in Whoville. The noisy holiday preparations and infernal singing of the happy little citizens below annoy him to no end. The Grinch decides this frivolous merriment must stop. His "wonderful, awful" idea is to don a Santa outfit, strap heavy antlers on his poor, quivering dog Max, construct a makeshift sleigh, head down to Whoville, and strip the chafingly cheerful Whos of their Yuletide glee ...; [Read more...]
New York : Random House Children's Book, 2006
Abstract: “People are always daring Billy to do zany things. But Billy may have bitten off more than he can chew when he takes his friend Alan’s bet that Billy can’t eat fifteen worms in fifteen days. If Billy wins, Alan has to fork over fifty dollars. Billy wants the money to buy a used minibike, so he’s ready to dig in. He sets up mustard and ketchup, salt and pepper, and sugar and lemon to disguise the disgusting taste. Good news for Billy – once he gets going, he finds himself actually getti ...; [Read more...]