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San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, [2015]
Abstract: Papà Gruffalò raccomanda alla sua piccolina di non inoltrarsi da sola nella fitta foresta senza vento. Ma la piccolina non riesce a tenere a bada la sua curiosità così, una notte, decide di andare a vedere con i suoi occhi di cosa si tratta… Vincerà anche questa volta la furbizia del piccolo topo?!? Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
New York [etc.] : Puffin Books, 2007
Abstract: One night, the Gruffalo's child wanders into the woods to search for the Big Bad Mouse. Instead, she comes upon a small mouse in the woods... and decides to eat him!
But wait, what is that? A shadow of a very large, scary creature falls on the ground, and suddenly the Gruffalo's child is frightened. Could it be the Big Bad Mouse after all? Ages: 3+
London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2017
Abstract: One night, the Gruffalo’s child wanders into the woods to search for the Big Bad Mouse. But instead, she comes upon a small mouse in the woods . . . and decides to eat him! But wait, what is that? A shadow of a very large, scary creature falls on the ground. Could it be the Big Bad Mouse after all? Reading age:2-5 Years old
Weinheim Basel: Beltz & Gelberg, 2004
Abstract: Die Fortsetzung der Geschichte "Der Grüffelo" - ein Bilderbuch mit Kultstatus: Der dunkle Wald, so warnt der Grüffelo sein Kind, ist voller Gefahren, denn dort lebt die große, böse Maus. Grüffelokinder aber sind neugierig, deshalb schleicht sich das Grüffelchen eines Nachts aus der Höhle. Beherzt und mutig zieht es los, denn es will endlich wissen, ob es die böse Maus wirklich gibt, von der sein Vater ihr immer erzählt. Das einzigartige Pappbilderbuch für alle kleinen Kinder und Grüffe ...; [Read more...]
UK; Templar Publishing, 2015
Abstract: Oliver and his best friend Troll run a café in the woods. They make the BEST cakes – their troll customers would much rather eat cakes than children! One particularly busy day in the café, Oliver’s sister Dolly disappears, so Oliver and Troll set off to find her. Their search takes them up Munch Mountain, where the biggest, meanest and grumpiest troll in the world lives. Oliver doesn’t believe all the scary rumours, but Troll’s not so sure . Reading age:3-5 years old
Abstract: Jim the chimpanzee is in a terrible mood for no good reason. His friends can’t understand it—how can he be in a bad mood when it’s SUCH a beautiful day? They encourage him not to hunch, to smile, and to do things that make THEM happy. But Jim can’t take all the advice…and has a BIT of a meltdown. Could it be that he just needs a day to feel grumpy? Ages: 4+
Abstract: During a bedtime game, every time Little Nutbrown Hare demonstrates how much he loves his father, Big Nutbrown Hare gently shows him that the love is returned even more. Ages:2+
Vicky Bo Verlag GmbH, 2016
Abstract: Vicky Bo's interaktives Bilderbuch ist ein wundervolles Abendritual für Kleinkinder und Eltern. Die Kinder schlüpfen in die Rolle der Haseneltern und werden aufgefordert aktiv mitzumachen bis der kleine Hase schläft. Ein 'Bitte nochmal' ist unumgänglich.
Komm mach mit und bringe den Hasen heute Abend ins Bett.
Wo hat sich der Hase versteckt? Klopfe an die Türe des Schranks und er wird sich zeigen. Kippe das Buch zur Seite und schon läuft seine Badewanne mit Wasser voll. Drücke de ...; [Read more...]
London : Nosy Crow, 2017
Abstract: The book is a celebration of happiness and all the things that can make a child feel happy. Through bright and cheerful illustrations and simple text, the book explores different emotions and experiences that can bring joy to a child's life, such as spending time with loved ones, playing with friends, enjoying nature, and more. Ages: 2+
London : Thames & Hudson, 2019
Abstract: Harold Philip Snipperpot is turning seven years old. He's never had a real birthday party. His parents are too grumpy. But this year is going to be different. Thanks to an amazing man named Mr. Ponzio, something incredible is going to happen on Harold's birthday - and it's going to be absolutely extraordinary. Ages: 5 years +