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Hamburg: Carlsen,
Abstract: Meine Mama hat keinen spitzen Hut und keinen Zauberstab. So was braucht sie nicht. Aber zaubern kann sie trotzdem! Lesealter: 4-6 Jahre
Milano : Topipittori, 2015
Abstract: Per il compleanno della mamma Edith vuole regalarle il misterioso Cicciapelliccia, nominato dalla sorella. Si precipita così in un affollato quartiere francese per trovare l’oggetto del desiderio, del quale però ignora l’aspetto e la sostanza. Girando per botteghe e interrogando i vari negozianti non trova il Cicciapelliccia ma riceve da ognuno un dono che le ritornerà poi utile… Proseguendo nella narrazione fiabesca della “diversità”, l’autrice de I cinque malfatti ci regala un albo d ...; [Read more...]
Paris : Albin Michel jeunesse, 2014
Abstract: Un matin à son réveil, Eddie entend sa s ur prononcer ces mots étranges: « anniversaire-maman-cadeau-dodu-velu-petit ».
Craignant que sa s ur ne le trouve avant elle, Eddie part sans attendre à la recherche du dodu-velu-petit. Mais par où commencer ? Et si elle allait demander aux commerçants du quartier s ils n auraient pas en stock un peu de cette chose mystérieuse? Mais pas plus le boulanger que la fleuriste, la mercière que l antiquaire n en a entendu parler. En revanche, tous son ...; [Read more...]
Torino : Il leone verde, 2019
Abstract: Una storia delicata che racconta di una separazione e di un amore che durerà per sempre. Età di lettura: da 4 anni.
New York: Puffin Books, 2009
Abstract: From Agard to Zephaniah, the very best of children's poetry from the very best of children's poets appears in this wonderful and exciting anthology edited by Michael Rosen, the Children's Laureate. Reading age: 7-11 years old
London : Puffin books, 1996
Abstract: Are you pink and green? Are you totally obscene? Can you pick your nose? With your stubby little toes? Let your imagination run riot and laughter fill your belly as you explore traditional poems, rhymes with a twist, and subversive playground favourites in this playful treasure chest of verse. Reading age: 8-12 years old.
Hamburg; Xenos; 1st edition (1 July 2008)
Abstract: Auf zum großen Lesespaß! Mit der "Leseleuchte" steigen kleine Leseanfänger in die Welt der Wörter und Sätze ein. Die Einteilung in vier Lesestufen macht es Eltern einfach, ihren Kindern je nach Können den richtigen Lesestoff anzubieten. In den verschiedenen Lesestufen wird jeweils eine spannende Geschichte rund um beliebte Kinder-Charaktere erzählt. Die Quizfragen am Ende des Buches trainieren spielerisch den Umgang mit Buchstaben, das Lesen bzw. das Textverständnis. Micky Maus Wunderh ...; [Read more...]
London : Andersen press, 2003
Abstract: Misery Moo is constantly looking at the downside of things, while her friend Lamby Poo goes through life wearing rose-colored glasses, and trying to get Moo to see things the way he does. However, Misery Moo's pessimism soon gets the best of Lamby Poo, and it is up to this miserable old cow to make her friend happy again. Ages: 4-7 years old.
Dubai: Uhibbook Publishing, 2023
Abstract: Mission Zero will showcase real-world examples of climate change solutions already implemented in the UAE. It follows young heroes Omar and Sara who discover how food, water, energy and nature are all intertwined. Because of their curiosity and concern, they set out to explore the secrets of sustainable living while discovering innovative and creative ways to fight climate change. Reading age:8 -13 years old
Casale Monferrato : Piemme junior, 2000
Abstract: "Nostratopus aveva previsto tutto, perfino la data della fine del mondo! Io volevo pubblicare il manoscritto, ma a Topoforte, durante la Fiera del Libro, accadde una cosa incredibile..." (Geronimo Stilton) Età di lettura: 6-9 anni.