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Milano : Babalibri, 2015
Abstract: "Io vado!" Per uccellino è arrivato il momento di lasciare il nido. In famiglia tutti hanno qualche cosa per lui, tutti lo incoraggiano e lo accompagnano con piccoli gesti affettuosi: "Mettiti il maglione che potrebbe fare freddo", "Eccoti dei biscotti se ti viene fame", "Portati la torcia se per caso torni tardi", "Mettiti il mio cappello che potrebbe esserci il sole". C'è posto anche per un ombrellino, un libro come antidoto contro la noia e una radio per avere compagnia. E così, ben ...; [Read more...]
London : Simon & Schuster, 2018
Abstract: Mom and Dad couldn’t take hearing me say no all the time anymore. So, to make them happy, I promised that, every now and then, I’d try saying yes. Too bad that just then, the doorbell rang, and I found myself face-to-face with a gorilla named Gideon, ready to party... Reading age: 5-7 years old
Somerville : Candlewick, 2010
Abstract: It’s one lucky toddler’s birthday, and of course there must be a cake. So the child asks some animal friends to gather ingredients, one by the chicken an egg, the bear some flour, the cat the butter and milk, the pig a pinch of salt, the dog some sugar, and the monkey a bunch of cherries for the top. After they all share the fun of making the cake, it’s even more fun to eat it! Ages: 2+
London : Farshore, 2023
Abstract: A beautiful, moving and funny celebration of life that highlights the potential of each and every child. This is the perfect book to read out loud – helping children to appreciate the wonderful things that exist in the world, and the great things that they can do. It also allows them to understand some of the setbacks that may occur along the way. And the overall message is that whatever happens, you will always be loved by those closest to you. Reading age:3-6 years old.
London; Farshore, 2023
Abstract: What does your shadow get up to?
Jack and his amazing magical shadow are the VERY best of friends. But when Jack's shadow is naughty and Jack gets the blame they have a falling out. Will Jack and his shadow ever be reunited?
A lively story that's perfect for anyone who's ever wondered what their shadow gets up to when they're not looking! Readin age: 2-5 years old.
Paris : Albin Michel Jeunesse
Abstract: "Quand tu as peur et que tu te sens insecure, tu me trouveras à tes côtés. Si tu te sens perdu, sache que je te retrouverai." Un ourson blanc découvre que dans les hauts et les bas de la vie, l'amour d'un papa dure toujours. Âge de lecture : 0 - 3 ans.
Paris : Gautier Languereau, 2008
Abstract: Petit Renard est un petit renardeau qui se pose de nombreuses questions : Maman l'aimerait-il même s'il était un ours féroce ? Ou un crocodile effrayant ? Et surtout, l'amour des grands dure-t-il éternellement ? Que se passe-t-il quand nous ne sommes plus là ? Un livre magnifique et empli de poésie qui aborde des thèmes tels que la peur de la solitude et de l'abandon de manière simple et délicate, afin d'aider les enfants à grandir en étant sûrs que l'affection d'un parent persiste pou ...; [Read more...]
Paris : Kaléidoscope, d2004
Abstract: Le jour où le petit Jim sauva un jeune dauphin d’une mort certaine, il ne savait pas à quel point son geste bouleverserait sa vie. Et surtout, il ignorait que grâce à lui, le petit village de pêcheurs retrouverait sa joie
de vivre. à partir de 5 ans.
New York : Golden Books Publishing Company Inc., 1994
Abstract: "Just Me in the Tub" is possibly the most fun "Little Critter" book release to date. This book is all about Little Critter taking a bath --- and having a really good time. Little Critter takes a bath every night. It's a real job for him, but he loves it because it keeps him feeling warm and cozy. This little book is a fun way to teach little ones the virtues of being responsible. Reading age: 2-6 years old
Paris ; l'École des loisirs : Loulou & Cie, 2011
Abstract: Enfin, petit oiseau se décide à quitter son nid ! Toutes sortes de recommandations lui sont faites par maman, papa, mamy... " Prends une petite laine, emporte des biscuits, n'oublie pas ta casquette... " En route vers l'aventure, petit oiseau ! Âge de lecture : à partir de 2 ans.