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Abstract: "El libro que tiene miedo" invierte los roles: es responsabilidad del niño tranquilizar al libro y explicarle que no tenga miedo. En cada página doble, un ratoncito le explica al niño cómo interactuar con el libro de la misma manera en que un adulto calmaría a su pequeño... Esta astuta y lúdica narrativa permite que el niño se distancie y se convierta en un simple espectador, superando así sus bloqueos emocionales y moderando la intensidad emocional. Edad recomendada para leer: a parti ...; [Read more...]
New York : Sterling Children's books, 2014
Abstract: It’s magic! Pull the tabs and see what happens. You can make the colorful flowers bloom in the meadow, help a ship sail across the ocean as the sun rises, and light up an entire city. And, at the end, you can shut the child’s eyes to put him to sleep at night . . . and wake him in the morning. It’s easy, imaginative, and fun. Reading age: 2 years +
Novara : De Agostini, [2000]
Abstract: Questo incantevole romanzo racconta le avventure di Lilli, una cagnolina di famiglia, e Biagio, un cane randagio dallo spirito libero. Insieme, attraverseranno avventure straordinarie, dall'esplorazione del vicinato ai pericoli delle strade cittadine, imparando l'importanza dell'amicizia e dell'amore lungo il percorso. Età di lettura: 4-6 anni
London : Orchard, 2016
Abstract: In a dry dusty place where the sand sparkled gold, stood a mighty flat rock, all craggy and old. And under that rock in a tinyful house, lived the littlest, quietest, meekest brown mouse.
Fed up of being ignored by the other animals, Mouse wishes he could roar like Lion. But, as he discovers, even the biggest, bossiest people are scared sometimes ... and even the smallest creatures can have the heart of a lion! Ages: 4+
[Paris] : Kaleidoscope, [2007]
Abstract: Toutes les nuits, Léo a envie de dormir entre ses parents. On est si bien dans leur grand lit tout chaud ! Un jour, les parents en ont assez et disent stop ! Comment faire pour passer la Grande Nuit de l’hibernation des ours tout seul ? Mais Léo n’est pas seul, il a son Douzumain…âge de lecture : 3-5 ans
Milano : Babalibri, 2014
Abstract: Il signor Bruno, un coniglio marrone, e il signor Bigio, un coniglio grigio, vivono in due tane vicine. Sono sempre andati molto d'accordo, ma un giorno iniziano a litigare... finché una brutta avventura li farà tornare amici. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
London : Walker Books, 2008
Abstract: A very special gorilla is taught a very special skill: sign language. He appears to have everything he needs, but one day he signs that he is sad and needs a friend. His keepers bring him a tiny cat called Beauty and the two of them become inseparable. But when the gorilla gets angry and causes damage to the TV, will his keepers think him unfit to be friends with such a small, defenceless animal? Not if Beauty can think fast and prove what a special friendship they share...Ages: 3-5 ye ...; [Read more...]
New York : Dragonfly books, [2017]
Abstract: Little blue and little yellow share wonderful adventures. One day, they can't find one another. When they finally meet, they are overjoyed. They hug until they become green. But where did little blue and little yellow go? Are they lost? Ages: 2+
Abstract: El pequeño azul y el pequeño amarillo son los mejores amigos, y cuando se reencuentran después de no poder encontrarse, se abrazan tan fuerte que se vuelven verdes. Texto en inglés y español. edad de lectura: por 2 años .Little blue and little yellow are the best of friends, and when they reunite after not being able to find each other, they give each other such a big hug that they turn green. Text in English and Spanish. Reading age: 2 years +
New York : Puffin, 1998
Abstract: The clouds drift across the bright blue sky--all except one. Little Cloud trails behind. He is busy changing shapes to become a fluffy sheep, a zooming airplane, and even a clown with a funny hat. Eric Carle's trademark collages will make every reader want to run outside and discover their very own little cloud. Reading age: 1-4 years old