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New York : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic, [2015]
Abstract: Poor Stacey. She just moved to a new town, is still coming to terms with her diabetes, and is facing baby-sitting problems left and right. Fortunately, Stacey has three new friends -- Kristy, Claudia, and Mary Anne. Together they''re the BSC -- and they will deal with whatever''s thrown their way... even if it''s a rival baby-sitting club!Age: 8-12 years old
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2023
Abstract: It’s Karen's birthday! She can’t wait for all those presents. Karen is even going to have two parties -- one at Daddy's house and one at Mommy's. But what Karen really wants for her birthday is one big party and to celebrate the special day with her whole family together. Will Karen's birthday wish come true? Ages: 7 years +
Abstract: Karen wants to start her own club!
Karen's best friend Hannie just got an adorable new kitten. Their neighbor Amanda has a cat, too, and Karen has grumpy old Boo-Boo. Now that they all have cats, Karen comes up with a great idea. She wants to start a Kittycat Club!
What will the club do? Karen can't baby-sit like her big sister Kristy... but she can cat-sit! Will anyone want to hire Karen and her friends? Age: 7-10 years old
New York ; Scholastic Ltd ; 2020
Abstract: "It's going to be a great weekend! Karen has new roller skates and is a very good skater. She's looking forward to trying some new tricks. But, oh no! Karen falls down and has to go to the hospital. Her wrist is broken! Karen is determined to get everyone she knows -- plus someone famous -- to sign her cast. It isn't going to be easy, but she won't give up until the job is done"-- Ages: 8 years +
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2022
Abstract: "Karen has to get glasses! She doesn't want them, especially because school pictures are going to be taken soon. But she picks out some pretty pink ones and thinks she looks very grown-up. Then Yicky Ricky at school starts calling her names, like Owl. Ages: 7 years +
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2020
Abstract: Karen Brewer lives next door to Mrs. Porter, who wears long robes and has wild gray hair. Mrs. Porter has a black cat named Midnight and always seems to be working in her garden. Karen isn't supposed to spy on her neighbor, but she's determined to prove that Mrs. Porter is a witch named Morbidda Destiny!Mrs. Porter is getting ready to have a special meeting at her house, and Karen is sure the meeting is for witches. Are they going to cast a spell on Karen? Or will she be brave enough t ...; [Read more...]
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2021
Abstract: Another graphic novel in this fun series spin-off of The Baby-sitters Club, featuring Kristy's little stepsister! Karen is having a terrible day. Her favorite jeans are missing, there's no prize in the Crunch-O cereal box, and Boo-Boo the cat won't play with her. She even gets punished and sent to her room! Karen tries everything to make her day better, but nothing is going right, and her bad luck won't go away. Will this be the worst day ever? Ages: 7 years +
New York; Scholastic Ltd; 2021
Abstract: Another graphic novel in this fun series spin-off of The Baby-sitters Club, featuring Kristy's little stepsister! Karen is having a terrible day. Her favorite jeans are missing, there's no prize in the Crunch-O cereal box, and Boo-Boo the cat won't play with her. She even gets punished and sent to her room! Karen tries everything to make her day better, but nothing is going right, and her bad luck won't go away. Will this be the worst day ever? Ages: 7 years +
La bambina che... esplorò un atomo!
/ Laura Manenti; Ethan Siegel; illustration by Francesca Cosanti
Poland : Amazon Fulfillment, 2023
Abstract: La soluzione è stata scrivere un libro in rima, arricchirlo con meravigliose illustrazioni e raccontare la storia con un tocco di immaginazione e fantasia, per spiegare di cosa è fatto il mondo. Spero che questo libro, frutto di anni di lavoro e scritto di tutto il cuore, possa avvicinarvi al mondo della fisica delle particelle. Età di lettura da 7 anni +
Milano : Salani, 2020
Ora che il mistero dei calzini spaiati è stato svelato al mondo intero, seguiamo da vicino le avventure di uno di loro, degne di essere raccontate e tramandate per generazioni. È il coraggioso e spericolato Calzino Nero, che ha un rammendo rosso sull’occhio proprio come una benda pirata. Insieme alla sua ciurma di calzini e calzine insegue un sogno di libertà attraverso i mari in un viaggio indimenticabile. Tra fratelli perduti e ritrovati, sirene, Regine del M ...; [Read more...]