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Alzira : Algar, 2017
Abstract: Lucas estaba convencido de que había nacido para volar. Pasaba horas observando aves y aviones en el aire e intentaba diseñar sus propias alas una y otra vez. Pero cada vez fallaban. Escribía cartas a Papá Noel, suplicando ayuda, pero se decepcionaba al recibir alas y capas de juguete. Sin embargo, un día algo mágico sucedió, sin que él siquiera lo supiera. Su madre le puso un libro en las manos, y Lucas empezó a volar. Y volar. Y volar. Tanto una encantadora historia como una celebrac ...; [Read more...]
London : Little Tiger Press, 2015
Abstract: Uh-oh! Archie has discovered a new word: "more!" MORE books at bedtime! MORE ice cream! MORE bubble bath! He wants to build BIGGER towers and BETTER fancy dress costumes. But sometimes "more" is just too much...Ages: 1-4 years old.
United Staes : Little Tales, 2015
Abstract: Uh-oh! Otto has discovered a new word: "more!" MORE books at bedtime! MORE ice cream! MORE bubble bath! He wants to build BIGGER towers and BETTER fancy dress costumes. But sometimes "more" is just too much...Ages: 1-4 years old.
Abstract: "The animals are holding a meeting to decide which is the most important thing. They each advocate for their particular trait, but in the end the owl helps them realize they are all different and each have something unique to contribute" .Ages: 2-4 years
Toronto, Kids Can Press
Abstract: A young girl imagines a wonderful gadget, which she and her dog build. But the result is "all WRONG!" Now what? Her assistant suggests a walk, and as they walk, it slowly becomes clear what the girl needs to do to succeed. Ages: 4 years +
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, 2015
Abstract: Nella più buia delle caverne della foresta vive un mostro peloso e goloso. Se passa un leprotto, un'ape o un cavallo... slurp!, la sua lingua pelosa li inghiotte in un solo boccone. Ma un giorno la figlia del re... Età di lettura: da 5 anni.
Abstract: "It's Christmas Eve, and everyone is fast asleep except for a lonely mouse that lives in the grandfather clock. When Santa arrives, lost in a blizzard and called by Mouse's wish, it's Mouse who is there to show Santa the way. Together they embark on a magical sleigh ride, delivering presents all around town. But the best present of all is for Mouse : his wish to make a new friend to share Christmas Day with has finally come true". Ages: 2+
London : Red fox, c1999
Abstract: Ars Armitage arrives on the beach with her surfboard and her faithful dog Breakspear, and paddles out to sea to wait for the Big Wave. But, of course, Mrs Armitage can't be satisfied with just an ordinary surfboard and she is soon adding a hilarious variety of gadgets and contraptions. And when the Big Wave finally arrives, Mrs Armitage certainly surfs with style! Reading age:5-7 years old.
London : Hodder Children's Books, 2018
Abstract: Meet Mrs Blackhat, a witch who just loves the colour black. Black broom, black boots, black wand, black chair, black crow, black toad, black bat . . . GINGER cat?! What on Earth can Mrs Blackhat do to fix this problem? Find out in this hilarious rhyming story! Reading age: 2-5 years old
Milano : Valentina Edizioni, 2016
Abstract: E' la storia di una mucca di nome Tina che desidera ardentemente volare come gli uccelli. Nonostante la derisione delle sue sorelle, Tina continua a provare e ad allenarsi, fino a quando un giorno riesce a sollevarsi in aria grazie a un palloncino. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.