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Susaeta, 2017
Abstract: Descubre el valor de la compasión en este tierno y constructivo libro ilustrado protagonizado por un misterioso tejón. A partir de 5 años
Colonia : Schwager & Steinlein, [2012]
Abstract: Questo atlante riccamente illustrato insegnerà al vostro bambino a conoscere e capire i vari fenomeni atmosferici. Immagini e cartine di facile lettura trasmetteranno al vostro figlio informazioni interessanti riguardo: stagioni e temperature, piogia, venti e cicloni, deserti, foreste pluviali e regioni polari e mutamenti climatici. I diversi fenomeni atmosferici sono resi più comprensibili da illustrazioni supplementari che approfondiscono ulteriormente le conoscenze generali della m ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Sinnos, 2022
Abstract: La storia di un'amicizia speciale tra Mia, bambina vulcanica e ben più che intraprendente, e Giorgio (che Mia chiama Testone) che è invece silenzioso, imperscrutabile, delicato. Almeno secondo le maestre, i bidelli e i genitori. Quando Mia escogita un piano geniale per saltare la scuola, Testone l'aiuta, o perlomeno non si oppone. Ma sarà proprio lui a risolvere la situazione, alla fine. Un libro che mescola fumetto, albo illustrato e narrativa in modo nuovo e divertente, dagli autori ...; [Read more...]
New York : Scholastic, 2010
Abstract: In this exciting adventure, the Thea Sisters are off to Paris to visit Colette's fashion-designer friend Julie. But when Julie's designs are suddenly stolen, the girls must search the city of Paris to catch the thief and save the fashion show. Readers will love following the clues to help the Thea Sisters solve the mystery!Reading age: 7-10 years old
New York : Hyperion books for children, 2007
Abstract: Gerald is careful. Piggie is not.
Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can.
Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to.
Gerald and Piggie are best friends.
In There Is a Bird On My Head!, Gerald discovers that there is something worse than a bird on your headtwo birds on your head! Can Piggie help her best friend? Readin age:2-6 years old
London : Orchard Books, 2001
Abstract: A new baby is coming, and it's waiting in a very special place--in Mommy's tummy house. There the baby grows and kicks, and Mommy eats all kinds of things to feed it. Ideal for young children who are awaiting the arrival of a younger sibling. Illustrations.Reading age: 2-6 years old.
London : Puffin Books, 2020
Abstract: Ho,Ho..Oh! there is a cheeky Elf in your book! Can you pass Elf's test and earn a Nice Liste Certificate? You'll need one if you want Santa to visit... Now, don't do anything NAUGHTY! Reading age: 2-6 Years old
London, Scholastic, 2023
Abstract: When a little boy is told there’s not such thing as dragons, he doesn’t believe it for a second.
Surely dragons exist? He doesn’t believe it for a second, after all, they’re always in books and films! But if he has any chance of proving that dragons are real, the little boy needs proof! So starts a wonderful adventure up to the tallest mountain and into the darkest caves. And do dragons exist? There’s only one way to find out…Ages: 4-6 years old.
London : Macmillian Children's Books, 2021
Abstract: The Rhyming Rabbit loves to make up entertaining poems, inspired by everything he sees, but the other rabbits don’t appreciate his talent for rhyme. Sad and lonely, the Rhyming Rabbit sets off one starry night all on his own – will he ever find someone to share his poems with? Reading age: 2-6 years old.
London : Scholastic, 2023
Abstract: 'Each one of us is different, just like pebbles at the seaside,' George tells us. In George's case, one of the many ingredients that make up his unique recipe is that he happens to have Down Syndrome. Here he invites us to have fun exploring the world, working out what makes us 'glow' and giving everything a go. Reading age: 3-6 years old.