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London : Farshore, 2015
Abstract: When it comes time for the three little wolves to go out into the world and build themselves a house, their mother warns them to beware the big bad pig. But the little wolves' increasingly sturdy dwellings are no match for the persistent porker, who has more up his sleeve than huffing and puffing. It takes a chance encounter with a flamingo pushing a wheelbarrow full of flowers to provide a surprising and satisfying solution to the little wolves' housing crisis.Reading age: 7-10 years ...; [Read more...]
London : Scholastic Children's Books, 2017
Abstract: With their glossy brown hair and hazel eyes, best friends Princess Millie and maid Jess look so similar that they often trade places. They love swapping clothes and tricking everyone in the palace, and while Jess enjoys attending Millie's dance lessons, the princess happily bakes cakes in the royal kitchen.
Preparations are underway for Prince Edward's first birthday celebrations. In keeping with tradition, he will wear the Baby Diamond Crown at the party, but when it goes missing, a ...; [Read more...]
London : Little tiger, 2019
Abstract: A young girl loves her grandpa so much! When they spend the day at the beach, she holds his hand as they go for a walk, and they build sand castles together. But sometimes, it’s difficult, because Grandpa has become forgetful. “Grandpa’s memories are like the tide,” Mommy explains. “Sometimes, they’re near and full of life. Other times, they’re distant and quiet.” A story about families, laughter, and how we can help a loved one with dementia live well. Ages: 3-7 years.
Munchen : knesebeck, 2016
Abstract: Die kleine Sophie und die andere Mutter haben eine schöne Tasse Tee gemacht, außerdem wird sie an der Tür klingelt. Womit die beiden überhaupt nicht gerechnet haben, ist ein großer, pelziger Tiger. Und wenn dieser Tiger besonders hungrig ist, laden Sie ihn zum Tee ein. Schon bald hat er den ganzen Tee ausgetrunken und sämtliches Essen im Haus verspeist. So plötzlich, wie er aufgetaucht ist, verschwindet er auch wieder ... noch nicht einmal Wasser für Sophies Bad hat übriggelassen! Lese ...; [Read more...]
Berlin : Annette Betz im Ueberreuter Verlag, 2014
Abstract: Mitten in der Nacht wacht ein kleiner Junge auf, weil er den heißen Atem eines Sibirischen Tigers in seinem Nacken spürt. Doch statt vor Angst wegzulaufen, packt der Kleine die gefährliche Schnarchnase und trägt sie zielsicher davon - durch die ganze Stadt bis zum Zoo. Dort schließt er den Tiger in sein Gehege ein und macht sich auf den Weg zurück ins Bett. Natürlich hat er den Käfigschlüssel mitgenommen und versteckt ihn sicherheitshalber unter seinem Kopfkissen. Lesealter; 2-6 Jahre
London : Walker Books, 2014
Abstract: The clueless, comically self-confident detective Timmy Failure is about to crack the biggest case of his generation: a school competition to find a stolen globe. But someone is clearly trying to game the system. Hoodwink. Con. Defraud. Timmy, with the dubious help of his lazy polar bear sidekick, Total, must avenge the shenanigans, defeat the injustice—and get an entry form in on time.. Reading age: 8-11 Years old
London : Walker Books, 2015
Abstract: In this fourth volume of Timmy Failure’s memoirs, Timmy is forced to hit the road in a cross-country trip that includes Timmy’s mom, Total the polar bear, Doorman Dave, and smells-like-a-tangerine criminal mastermind Molly Moskins. It’s a world gone mad, where good becomes bad, and Timmy Failure is a condemned man. Reading age: 8-11 Years old
London : Walker Books, 2016
Abstract: This book was never meant to exist. No one needs to know the details. Just know this: there’s a Merry, a Larry, a missing tooth, and a teachers’ strike that is crippling Timmy Failure’s academic future. Worst of all, Timmy is banned from detective work. It’s a conspiracy of buffoons. He recorded everything in his private notebook, but then the manuscript was stolen. If this book gets out, he will be grounded for life. Or maybe longer. And will Timmy’s mom really marry Doorman Dave?. Re ...; [Read more...]
London : Walker Books, 2017
Abstract: Timmy is in Key West, Florida, ostensibly for the honeymoon of his mother and Doorman Dave — if they even got married, which Timmy doubts. Unfortunately for Timmy, crime doesn’t take a vacation. And because Total has fled to Cuba seeking political asylum, Timmy must rely on a new partner for help: Doorman Dave’s nephew Emilio. Meanwhile, a surprise newcomer shows up in Timmy’s life and, as if things couldn’t get more hectic, Timmy’s pants have been stolen by a six-toed cat.. Reading ag ...; [Read more...]
London : Walker Books, 2014
Abstract: His name is Failure, Timmy Failure. His detective agency is on the verge of global domination. Global riches. Global fame. In this, the third volume of his memoirs, Timmy Failure will reveal how he will triumph over the curveballs of the gods: for starters, academic probation. The coveted Miracle Report is the key to everything, including a good grade. It’s dirty business. It’s best you know nothing. Reading age: 8-11 Years old