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Milano : Salani, 2016
Abstract: Jingle, jingle, jingle… È la vigilia di Natale. Ollie è appena andata a dormire, quando si sveglia all'improvviso. Che cosa sarà quel suono? Ollie esce nella neve e lo segue. Una nuova avventura sta per cominciare… Sarà un Natale indimenticabile! Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
London [etc.] : Simon & Schuster, 2016
Abstract: A beautiful tale of a magical, snowy adventure on Christmas Eve... When a jingling sound wakes her from her sleep, a little girl’s dreams come true when she meets a lost reindeer in the forest. Setting off on a magical adventure together it soon becomes a Christmas never to forget. Ages: 3 years +
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, 2014
Abstract: L'omino della pioggia abita sulle nuvole, salta da una nuvola all'altra senza sfondarne il pavimento soffice e vaporoso. Le nuvole hanno tanti rubinetti. Quando l'omino apre i rubinetti, le nuvole lasciano cadere l'acqua sulla terra. Quando l'omino chiude i rubinetti, la pioggia cessa. Ha un gran da fare, l'omino della pioggia, sempre ad aprire e chiudere tutti i rubinetti e qualche volta si stanca. Quando è stanco stanchissimo si sdraia su una nuvoletta e si addormenta... Edizione spe ...; [Read more...]
London : Thames & Hudson, 2018
Abstract: The story follows a young boy who is spending a rainy day in the forest with his mother. After accidentally dropping his gaming device in a pond, he embarks on a magical adventure in the forest, discovering the beauty of the natural world around him. It is a heartwarming story that celebrates the joy of spending time in nature and encourages children to embrace the world around them. Ages: 5+
Paris : Kaléidoscope, 2009
Abstract: C'est l'histoire d'un petit garçon qui se retrouve perdu, tout seul sur la lune. Mais heureusement, il n'est pas vraiment perdu, et pas vraiment seul non plus ! Et puis, il a l'habitude des situations insolites, souvenez-vous, dans Perdu ? Retrouvé ! - cette fois-là, il décidait de raccompagner chez lui, au pôle Nord, un pingouin égaré. Âge de lecture: 3-5 ans.
London : Walker Books, 2017
Abstract: Bunny and Dog live on opposite sides of the fence. Every morning, first thing, Bunny looks through the fence and the tall grass at Dog. And every morning, first thing, Dog looks through the fence and the tall grass at Bunny. Yet neither one says hello. Or hi. Or nice to see you today. But then, one night, Bunny and Dog both see a shooting star zip through the sky. Could this shared moment be the start of a friendship? Ages: 2+
London : Harper Collins, 2020
Abstract: A simple rhyming book for learner readers, it is a book with a freewheeling plot about a boy and a girl, and the many amazing creatures they have for friends and pets. Ages:5+
London : Harpercollins Children Books, 2022
Abstract: The Fox is playing hide-and-seek with Percy and the animals of the park. He’s got a great hiding place in Percy’s workshop but hasn’t noticed that there is a pot of strong glue dangerously close by and soon finds himself in an embarrassingly sticky situation! What can Percy do to help? Reading age: 3-5 years old.
London ; Andersen press , 2020
Abstract: A brother and sister see a reflection of our world in a rockpool: a world full of beautiful things poisoned with plastic waste, deforestation and burning fossil fuels. W ehave one world, and only one chance to save it. Ages: 5 years +
Nashville :Make Believe Ideas, 2012
Abstract: Oola has lost her hoot! She thinks it must be somewhere in the forest, so she leaves the nest and goes on a hunt to find it. As Oola explores the forest in the daytime, she meets new forest friends and hears new sounds but will she rediscover her hoot? Reading age: 3-5 years