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Barcelona :Editorial Juventud, 1984
Abstract: Una entrevista de trabajo en casa con niños por el medio es realmente una cosa bastante difícil y complicada. Si además tenemos un gato, y el visitante tiene alergia a los gatos, la cosa se complica todavía más. Este libro hará reír un buen rato a los mayores y a los pequeños. La que no se rió tanto es la mamá del libro, pues la entrevista de trabajo no le fue demasiado bien. Edad de lectura: De 5 a 6 años
Paris : Bayard Presse,
Abstract: Alors que le Club des As cherche un nouveau lieu d'entraînement Hugo se fait voler son vélo! Caroline et ses copains partent à sa recherche. Âge recommandé : 7-10 ans
New York : Hyperion books for children, 2010
Abstract: Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald and Piggie are best friends.In We Are in a Book! Gerald and Piggie discover the joy of being read. But what will happen when the book ends? Age: 3-6 years old
Bindlach : Loewe, 2015
Abstract: Flip ist begeistert, als er eine Fledermaus am Nachthimmel erblickt. Wie schön wäre es, wenn auch er fliegen könnte. „Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich Fledermaus”, beschließt der kleine Mäusejunge. Gesagt, getan. Eifrig baut sich Flip eigene Flügel und unternimmt erste Flugversuche. Doch leider enden alle damit, dass er unsanft auf dem Boden landet. Auch kopfüber zu schlafen gestaltet sich schwieriger als gedacht. Ob eine waschechte Fledermaus Flip weiterhelfen und seinen Traum vom Fliegen ...; [Read more...]
London, Puffin Books
Abstract: Auggie enjoys the company of his dog, Daisy, and using his imagination, but painfully endures the taunts of his peers because of his facial deformity. But it is not just Auggie who's different. Everyone is different, and everyone is wonder - if only they could see it. It’s the perfect way for families and educators to talk about empathy and kindness with young children. Age: 3-8 years old
Londra : Penguin, 20021
Abstract: Every time Joe goes out the questions are the same . . . what happened to his leg? But is this even a question Joe has to answer?
A ground-breaking, funny story that helps children understand what it might feel like to be seen as different. Age: 3-6 years
Dublin : Scholastic Ireland, 2023
Abstract: We all have worries, fears and frustrations. But we also all have a choice: to carry them with us - or to let them o. When things aren't goin right, sometimes we simply need to go left!. Ages: 5 years +
London [etc.] : Puffin books, 2012
Abstract: Imagine All The Wimpy Kid Laughs You'Ve Had From Reading The Diaries, All The Best Bits You Talk About With Your Friends And All The Cartoons Of Greg Heffley You'Ve Had A Go At Drawing Yourself. Now Imagine It All - On Screenthe Wimpy Kid Movie Diary Goes Behind The Scenes Of Each Of The Three Wimpy Kid Movies To Tell The Story Of Greg Heffley From The Funniest Cartoon Character Ever, To A Real Live Person On The Big Screen.A Full-Colour Diary Complete With Photographs, Script Pages, S ...; [Read more...]
Oxford : Oxford University press, 2011
Abstract: Winnie is not afraid of taking the plunge. in 'Winnie Takes the Plunge' disaster strikes when Winnie gets flushed down her loo and ends up trapped by a merman under the ocean waves until Wilbur stages a bold rescue. Reading age: 6-10 years
Milano : Gribaudo, 2021
Abstract: È la vigilia di Natale. Il topolino Winston corre lungo le strade coperte di neve alla ricerca di un riparo, quando si imbatte in una busta. È perfetta! Un bel sacco a pelo di carta in cui infilarsi per la notte. Ma quella non è una busta qualsiasi, è indirizzata a Babbo Natale! L'avrà persa il postino svuotando la cassetta delle lettere... e un bambino domani si sveglierà senza doni sotto l'albero, pensa Winston. Non può permetterlo, Babbo Natale deve ricevere quella lettera! Il topol ...; [Read more...]