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Düsseldorf : Sauerländer, 2003
Abstract: Eine Familie macht sich auf die Suche nach dem Bären, doch nachdem sie ein Feld mit raschelndem Gras (Wishel, waschel!), einen kalten, flachen Fluss (Plitsch,Platsch, Platsch!), eine Pfütze aus schleimigem Schlamm (Quietsch, quaatsch!), ein dunkles und dichtes Gelände überquert hat (Holper, stolper!) und ein pfeifender Schneesturm (wow huuuuuu!), am Ende... wird der Bär sie finden. „Die Bärenjagd“ gilt als Klassiker und ist ein kleines Meisterwerk der Kinderliteratur, in dem Bilder, Te ...; [Read more...]
Puffin Books, 1983
Abstract: This is not a fairy tale. This is about real witches. Grandmamma loves to tell about witches. Real witches are the most dangerous of all living creatures on earth. There's nothing they hate so much as children, and they work all kinds of terrifying spells to get rid of them. Her grandson listens closely to grandmamma's stories-but nothing can prepare him for the day he comes face-to-face with the grand high witch herself! Now a major motion picture!. Reading age: 7 -10 years old.
Abstract: "Eddie is five-and-a-half and thinks she is the only one in her family without a special talent. So when she hears her sister say 'birthday--Mommy--fluffy--little--squishy,' she worries that her sister will give Mom the better present. From that moment on, she is determined to find a fluffy little squishy of her own. Ages: from 5 years +
London, Simon and Schuster; 2017
Abstract: This book is about your heart (the little bit inside of you that makes you, you!)
The words we listen to can affect how we feel.
Some words can do amazing things and make us happy.
And some words can really hurt us (we all know what sort of words those are).
Our words have power, and we can choose to use them to make the world a better plac Reading age: 3-6 years old
London : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2020
Abstract: Are you ready to meet the worst parents ever?
Sure, some parents are embarrassing – but they’re NOTHING on this lot. These ten tales of the world’s most spectacularly silly mums and deliriously daft dads will leave you rocking with laughter.
Pinch your nose for Peter Pong, the man with the stinkiest feet in the world… jump out of the way of Harriet Hurry, the fastest mum on two wheels… watch out for Monty Monopolize, the dad who takes all his kids toys… and oh no, it’s Supermum! ...; [Read more...]
London : Farshore, 2019
Abstract: Good evening. Mr Gum is a complete horror who hates children, animals, fun and corn on the cob. This book’s all about him. And an angry fairy who lives in his bathtub. And Jake the dog, and a little girl called Polly and an evil, stinky butcher all covered in guts. And there’s heroes and sweets and adventures and EVERYTHING. Reading age: 7-11 years old
Abstract: La princesa Alelí y el caballero Jorge son los doctores voladores. Ambos vuelan a lomos del dragón Zog para ayudar a todo el que lo necesite: sirenas, leones y hasta unicornios en apuros. Pero ¿qué ocurre cuando el que cae enfermo es el mismísimo rey? Edad: 3-6 anos.
Milano : Babalibri, 2012
Abstract: È notte. È inverno. Un vecchio lupo cerca ospitalità nel villaggio degli animali per cucinare una zuppa di sasso. Finirà con una grande cena con tutti gli animali, curiosi di conoscere un lupo dal vero. Età di lettura: da 4 anni.