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Milano : Babalibri, 2011
Abstract: Nel folto del bosco un lupo affamato aspetta che la piccola Cappuccetto Rosso finisca nelle sue grinfie. Avvicinandosi alla casa della nonna, pregusta già il pranzetto: dovrebbe essere facile mangiarsele entrambe, dopotutto lui è il più furbo! Ma a credersi molto furbi si rischia di ritrovarsi chiusi fuori casa con addosso una scomoda camicia da notte tutta rosa. E si rischia anche di inciampare e rompersi qualche dente. Povero lupo! Per fortuna Cappuccetto Rosso è una bimba molto gent ...; [Read more...]
Tundra Books, 2023
Abstract: Ploof is a puffy cloud who's a little lonely — but now you're here, and the fun can begin! Can you help Ploof overcome their shyness? Play pretend? Make Ploof laugh with your funny faces, find their hiding spot, give them a high five! Full of imaginative and interactive fun, each page of this perfect book for preschoolers offers a chance to play. By following cues to say hello, clap, blow, shake, wave or make a funny face, young readers will be delighted to see the effects of their act ...; [Read more...]
Pastel : L'école des loisirs, c2013
Abstract: "C'est moi le plus malin ! Aujourd'hui sera jour de festin ! Ricane le loup. Au menu : grand-mère et petite groseille au dessert." Arrivé devant la maison de la grand-mère, le loup frappe doucement à la porte : toc toc toc. Il n'y a personne. Seulement une chemise de nuit déposée sur le lit. Le loup enfile la chemise, il sort effacer ses traces de pas devant la maison. Et vlan ! Un courant d'air ferme la porte. Surpris, le loup fonce se cacher dans les bois, déguisé en Grand-mère. Âge ...; [Read more...]
Novara : De Agostini, c2000
Abstract: Nel cuore del Nuovo Mondo, Pocahontas, una giovane principessa nativa americana, incrocia il destino di John Smith, un colonizzatore inglese. La loro incontro sconvolge le barriere culturali e sfida il conflitto tra le due civiltà. Pocahontas è determinata a preservare la sua terra e il suo popolo, mentre John Smith cerca di trovare una via pacifica. Età di lettura: 4 - 7 anni
London ; 15x19 cm : Andersen : prev. ill., 2019
Abstract: A young boy, lying awake one Christmas Eve, is welcomed aboard a magical train to the North Pole . . .
Through dark forests, over tall mountains, and across a barren desert of ice, the Polar Express makes its way to the huge city standing alone at the top of the world, where the boy will make his Christmas wish. Reading age: 2 years +
Madrid : Susaeta,
Abstract: Pásalo en grande leyendo la historia del travieso pollito Teo y disfruta de las bellas ilustraciones en este tierno y constructivo libro. A partir de 5 años
London; Little, Brown books for Young Readers; 2015
Abstract: Polly heard a CRASH downstairs. Was it a monster? NO! Was it a spider alien? NO! It was a little puffin with a broken wing... When Polly discovers an injured puffin, she and her mummy look after him in their cottage by the sea. Slowly, Neil's wing heals and Polly must prepare herself to say goodbye to her new friend. Will she ever see him again? Reading age: 5-8 years old
Hasselt ; Amsterdam ; New York : Clavis, c2009
Abstract: Topotto è molto curioso. Smonta sempre i suoi giochi per vedere cosa c'è dentro. Curiosa in tutti i buchi che incontra, dentro le tane, i vasi e le bottiglie. E dentro i pannolini dei suoi amici... Età di lettura: da 2 anni.
Abstract: Cuando tienes que ir al baño, ¡tienes que ir! Pero ¿dónde? Edad: 2-4 años.. - A toddler, decides to use the potty for the first time. Ages: 2-4 years
San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2019
Abstract: Press the yellow dot on the cover of this interactive children's book, follow the instructions within, and embark upon a magical journey. Each page of this surprising touch book instructs the reader to push the button, shake it up, tilt the book, and who knows what will happen next. Children and adults alike will giggle with delight as the dots multiply, change direction, and grow in size. Especially remarkable because the adventure occurs on the flat surface of the simple, printed pag ...; [Read more...]