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Gosford : Scholastic Australia, 2013
Abstract: Follow the dinosaurs as they hop, stomp and roar their way through the pages of the book and find out what happens when it is the baby dinosaur's turn to be leader. Reading age: 3-5 years.
London: Orchard Books, 2022
Abstract: One morning, Stompysaurus wakes from a happy dream, feeling excited for the new day, until things start to go a bit wrong. His brother's being a tease, his breakfast isn't his usual favourite and NOTHING is going right. His STOMPS and ROARS start rising inside him, until they EXPLODE!
But a tricky start doesn't have to mean a stompy finish. Can Stompysurus find a new way of looking at things and turn his day around? Ages: 2-4 years old.
London : Simon & Schuster, 2017
Abstract: Every day, in a house by the sea, a little boy watches his father leave for a long day's work. One night, a great storm washes a small whale onto the beach. The boy discovers the whale is a good listener. The father discovers the boy is lonely. Together, they return the whale to the sea. And from that day on, the boy learns that the father can be a good listener too. Ages: 3+
New York : Grosset & Dunlap, 1936
Abstract: A peaceful bull lives in a pasture with his mother and other young bulls. All the other bulls like to run and buck, but Ferdinand likes to sit under his favorite tree and smell the flowers. Ages: 4 years and up.
New York : Abrams image, 2007
Abstract: The story follows a little mole who sets out to discover who pooped on his head. He meets several different animals along the way and investigates their poop to find the culprit. It also teaches children about different animal droppings and encourages them to think critically and solve problems. Ages: 2+
London: : Orchard Books, 2020
Abstract: In the still heart of the night, the child was born. A boy. Mary kissed him, washed him, wrapped him tightly and laid him in the wooden trough where the animals usually munched hay. She gave him a kiss. She gave him a name too - Jesus - just as the angel had told her to do.
Discover the tale of Mary and Joseph, the Angel Gabriel, the shepherds, the wise men and the arrival of the Baby Jesus, retold in simple, lyrical language. Illustrated with enchanting silhouette artwork by Laura ...; [Read more...]
San Dorligo della Valle : Emme, 2015
Abstract: Una storia in rima che parla di amicizia, avventura, animali, natura, diversità con alcuni dei personaggi nati dalla fantasia di Julia Donaldson e Axel Scheffler, creatori de "Il Gruffalò". Un cane, un uccello, un gatto e una rana via via si uniscono al suo viaggio. Ma con il manico di scopa che sta per rompersi e un drago affamato alla ricerca di uno spuntino, gli amici della strega Rossella devono ingegnarsi... e alla svelta! Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
London : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2012
Abstract: It follows the story of a boy named Floyd who gets his kite stuck in a tree. In an attempt to retrieve it, he throws various items up into the tree, including a ladder, a pelican, and even a whale. The book explores themes of problem-solving, imagination, and the unexpected consequences of our actions.Ages: 3+
Paris : Gallimard Jeunesse, 2012
Abstract: Superasticot est super élancé et supermusclé.Il vole au secours de tous les habitants du quartier.Superasticot est un superhéros. Le plus tortillant et le plus ondulant du monde. Mais oh ! Malheur... un lézard magicien a décidé de l'enlever. Ses amis animaux sauront-ils le sauver ? Âge de lecture: 3-5 ans.
[32] p. ; 21 cm : in gran parte ill.
Abstract: Chi è che si trasforma in un’altalena per far giocare le api annoiate? Chi è che salva la piccola rana che stava per attraversare la strada? Sempre lui, Superverme! Ma la lucertola invidiosa gli tende un tranello e lo imprigiona: ci penseranno gli altri animali del giardino a liberare il loro eroe e a riportarlo in trionfo a casa! Età di lettura: da 3 anni.