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London : Andersen press, c2006
Abstract: 'Who's in the loo? There's a very long queue. Is it an elephant having a poo?'
If your house has many occupants, then this witty rhyme from the irreverent and observant pen of Jeanne Willis will resonate profoundly. Adrian Reynolds's exuberant illustrations highlight the fun! Age: 0-5 years
London : Usborne, 2019
Abstract: Follow boy and girl twins as they learn what potties are for, struggle to make their potties work, wet their pants along the way then finally triumph. Not only do they learn how to wee and poo on the potty, they also progress to the big loo! Both an entertaining flap book and a practical guide, this book is invaluable for toddlers and parents.Reading age: 2-4 years old
Novara : De Agostini, [2001!
Abstract: Goloso come sempre, Pooh ha deciso di procurarsi un po' di miele, ma deve vedersela con le api... Una storia tenera e divertente, in cui incontrerai Pooh e i suoi amici del Bosco dei Cento Acri. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
Düsseldorf : Sauerländer, 2003
Abstract: Eine Familie macht sich auf die Suche nach dem Bären, doch nachdem sie ein Feld mit raschelndem Gras (Wishel, waschel!), einen kalten, flachen Fluss (Plitsch,Platsch, Platsch!), eine Pfütze aus schleimigem Schlamm (Quietsch, quaatsch!), ein dunkles und dichtes Gelände überquert hat (Holper, stolper!) und ein pfeifender Schneesturm (wow huuuuuu!), am Ende... wird der Bär sie finden. „Die Bärenjagd“ gilt als Klassiker und ist ein kleines Meisterwerk der Kinderliteratur, in dem Bilder, Te ...; [Read more...]
Abstract: "Eddie is five-and-a-half and thinks she is the only one in her family without a special talent. So when she hears her sister say 'birthday--Mommy--fluffy--little--squishy,' she worries that her sister will give Mom the better present. From that moment on, she is determined to find a fluffy little squishy of her own. Ages: from 5 years +
New York : Random House, 2015
Abstract: The book celebrates the potential and uniqueness of every child and encourages them to embrace their individuality. "The Wonderful Things You Will Be" is a heartwarming and uplifting book that reassures children that they are loved and valued for who they are, and encourages them to dream big and be true to themselves. Ages: 2-5 years
London, Simon and Schuster; 2017
Abstract: This book is about your heart (the little bit inside of you that makes you, you!)
The words we listen to can affect how we feel.
Some words can do amazing things and make us happy.
And some words can really hurt us (we all know what sort of words those are).
Our words have power, and we can choose to use them to make the world a better plac Reading age: 3-6 years old
London : Orchard Books, 2019
Abstract: Today the Worrysaurus has plans to have a picnic. The sun is shining, and the sky is clear, but he worries about everything: what if the food runs out? What if he loses the trail? What if he trips and falls? Or worse... what if a storm comes?! A story for all the little Worrysaurus who need to be reassured. Reading age: 4 years old.
Abstract: we go on a journey through the jungle and find out about a daddy monkey who loves his son very much. Ages: 2-5 years old.
Hong Kong : Minedition, 2012
Abstract: Each turn of the page will bring a giggle as clever cut-outs help happy animals eat their snacks. Cat eats a fish, Bunny eats a carrot, and Mouse eats some cheese! Babies and toddlers will want to read this sturdy board book over and over again, and will have fun naming and pointing to the foods that they love to eat, too!
Reading age: baby-3 years old