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London :Egmont, 1962
Abstract: My naughty little sister is always doing silly things. She's curious about what's in the chimney, so she sticks a feather duster up there. When all the soot falls out, she tries to hide it! But when she has measles she's itchy and sad and grumpy and has to stay in bed—and can't be naughty at all! How long before she's bad again? Reading age: 9-12 years
Sanger, Familius, 2020
Abstract: Introducing a hilarious, relatable, and heartwarming story for adopted and foster children about unconditional love. In No Matter What, former foster kid and best-selling author Josh Shipp shares a mostly autobiographical tale about finding a forever home.
Josh was a squirrel without a squirrel family. Between the pelicans, the leopards, the otters, and the snakes, no one seemed to want a squirrel like him.
He did everything he could to scare those families away first, but the elepha ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Biancoenero : Sinnos, 2009
Abstract: Quando una cosa è vietata, viene subito voglia di farla. Zac trova scritto sul muro della sua stanza: "Non scendete in cantina!". Ma quando Laura viene a stare da lui per qualche giorno, insieme decideranno di andarci. Età di lettura: da 8 anni.
Milano : Salani, 2020
Abstract: Olga Papel è una ragazzina esile come un ramoscello e ha una dote speciale: sa raccontare incredibili storie, che dice d'aver vissuto personalmente. Un giorno, per consolare il suo amico Bruco, dal carattere fragile, Olga decide di raccontargli la storia della bambina di carta che partì dal suo villaggio per andare a chiedere alla maga Ausolia di trasformarla in una bambina normale, di carnee ossa. Il viaggio fu lungo e avventuroso: Più volte rischiò la vita, si perse, ma fu trovata da ...; [Read more...]
Abstract: Worry has a way of growing, shifting from not-a-big-deal to a VERY BIG DEAL in the blink of an eye. This big-deal Worry is tricky, luring children into behaviours that keep the anxiety cycle going. Children often find it hard to fight back against Worry, but not anymore. Outsmarting Worry teaches youngest and the adults who care about them a specific set of skills that makes it easier to face - and overcome - worries and fears. Smart, practical, proven techniques are presented in langu ...; [Read more...]
Abstract: Hay padres de todo tipo: gorditos, delgados, altísimos, bajitos, divertidos, súper estrictos, chillones, callados... Y por supuesto, hay padres buenos, y padres no tan buenos.
Cuando Gilbert termina en la cárcel por ser cómplice de un robo, a su hijo Frank no le queda más remedio que tramar un plan para rescatarle y devolver el dinero que ha robado. Pero, ¿cómo se quitará de encima al terrible mafioso que les persigue? Edad de lectura: a partir de 8 años
London : Bloomsbury, 2010
Abstract: Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificent Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life—summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge—he follows. When their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Margo has disappeared. But Q soon learns that there are clues—and they’re for him. Embarking on an exhilarating adventure to find her, the closer Q gets, the less he sees the girl he thought he knew. Reading age 11+
London, Simon & Schuster
Abstract: Nikki is finally starting to adjust to life at her new school and things are looking up. She's made some real friends and her major crush, Brandon, even asks her to be his lab partner in science, Hello. Seriously awesome developments. But, when Nikki overhears mean girl Mackenzie bragging that Brandon's going to take her to the Halloween dance, a bummed Nikki agrees to spend Halloween at a kids' party for her little sister Brianna. It's only aftershe makes the commitment that she finds ...; [Read more...]
UAE : Medina Publishing, 2003
Abstract: Saeed is going to learn how to dive - his father has promised to teach him. It is the start of the pearling season and this is his first trip out on to the waters of the Arabian Gulf. Leaving the rest of his family behind on the shore, Saeed and his father join the crew of a pearling dhow and set out to spend the hot summer months on the high seas. He learns how the pearl divers hunt for the treasures of the seabed, and discovers the secrets and dangers story, carefully researched from ...; [Read more...]
London : Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2019
Abstract: This is the story of a sleepy town called Suds. A place where stories fill the air of children turning grey and disappearing without a trace...
Poppy and Erasmus are certain there's something peculiar going on in Suds, and they're determined to unravel its secrets. But when they discover the answers might lie in the dark and twisting woods, can they find the courage to creep inside and solve this riddling mystery? Reading age: 9-12 years old